Chapter Fifteen: Year 3

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I met Hermione, Namjoon, Yoongi, Harry, and Ron at platform 9 3/4.

"Are you excited for this year? I am!" Hermione says excitedly.

"It's school. I don't really care," Ron shrugs his shoulders.

Hermione hits his shoulder lightly.

After we board the train I get in a booth with Namjoon and Yoongi.

Soon Celia, Logan, Taehyung and Jordis joined us.

"Did you know that Sirius Black escaped from Askaban--the top and most guarded prison for the hardest criminals?!" Jordis points at her newspaper.

On the front page was "Sirius Black escapes Askaban."

"Who doesn't know it?" Celia asks.

"Do you think the Ministry of Magic will catch him?" I add.

"Who knows. It also says that the guards, dementors, are out looking for him," Yoongi replies.

A slow pitter-patter noise starts outside. I look out the window to see it was pouring outside.

Suddenly the train jerks to a rough stop. 

Celia topples onto Logan.

"Isn't it too early to be at Hogwarts?" Jordis asks.

"Look!" Namjoon points at the windows with wide eyes.

There was frost starting to move all around the glass, covering the edges of the windows.

Logan helps Celia off his lap as she regains balance.

"Are you alright?" she nods slowly, parting her long hair out of her face.

"Do you hear that?" Taehyung whispers.

He motions outside the booth door and there's a faint whisper. Or something I don't know how to describe.

We all hold our breath when a shadowy figure turns to us. It wore a dark long black cloak with ripped edges.

The thing also had long bony fingers, trailing the glass. It looked at us for a brief moment before it passed.

Jordis was the first to start breathing again.

"What was that?" she still whispers.

"That was a dementor," I reply.

"More like demented," Yoongi mumbles under his breath.

"They're the guards of Askaban," Namjoon adds. He also started to regain color on his face. I had never seen anyone so pale.

A few minutes later the train starts to move again.

When we reach closer to Hogwarts we all are transported into multiple carriages. I go with Celia, Jordis and Hermione.

Once we reach the castle there's a warm glow from within. I had never been so happy to see the school.

Professor McGonagall opens the giant door and we all settle at our house tables.

As usual new first year students were there. Among the small kids I see Yoongi's younger sister, Jee Hyun.

It also looked like she made friends already. That's good.

We all look eagerly at the podium and at the stool where the sorting hat sat.

Two girls and one guy were already in Ravenclaw and one boy was put into Hufflepuff.

Another in Gryffindor, and then it was finally Jee's turn.

She wasn't fidgeting too much. I remember my first time on the podium. I hated that everyone's eyes were on me.

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