Chapter Sixteen

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Professor Trelawney was a strange teacher. She wore cloths over her head and dressed in vintage patterned robes.

She also had a pair of huge goggles over her eyes so it made her eyes look extremely big. It also didn't help that she had wild crazy hair and she spoke weirdly.

She reminded me of a crazed gypsy. I'm not speaking bad about them because I actually they're cool but Professor Trelawney...I don't know how to explain.

She always moved her hands in strange directions as she walked around, as if trying to scare some students.

"Welcome students, to the third year Divination class," she says oddly as she moves around the classroom. "Today we will be reading tea leaves."

She approaches me, Jordis and Celia. Professor Trelawney peers into Celia's cup and gasps. 

"Is your grandmother alright?" she asks her creepily.

"Yeah...I think so," Celia replies slowly.

Can this woman get any weirder?

Then she looks into Jordis's cup and puts a hand on her heart. What the frick?

"I sense...death!" she puts her arms up and hands over Jordis, towering her in her shadow.

I stand corrected. I then remembered earlier Jordis told me her ferret had died earlier this morning...

After she finally makes it to my cup.

"Oh my dear girl," she looks at me with a shaky voice. "I sense grave danger in your future."

Yeah, you killing me with your crazy tactics.

When she passes me and onto Harry, Ron and Hermione's table, I finally get to roll my eyes.

"Dang she's a real creep," Celia whispers to us.

Jordis and I nod in agreement.

Professor Trelawney makes another big scene and says that there's a Grim in Harry's cup.

"I doubt she even knows what that is," I mumble under my breath.

"Um, I don't what it means," Jordis replies.

"A Grim is an omen of death," I answer simply.


Finally we were dismissed after the wacky lady "read" our tea leaves.

Our next class was animals--Hagrid was the teacher!

He had instructed us to bring our Monster Book of Monsters. I think the book just bit Taehyung.

We all meet up at his hut, the place where he was teaching.

"I have a real treat for you all," he exclaims.

He brings up into a clearing were a giant winged animal lay.

He brings up into a clearing were a giant winged animal lay

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