Chapter Twenty: Year 4

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The train had left the station a few hours ago and the ride wasn't nice enjoyable since Jordis kept pointing out the skull mark with the snake coming out of its mouth in the Daily Prophet.

"It's you-know-who, I'm telling you! But why would he attack at this specific area and time?"

"Who cares, look!" Celia points outside. 

High in the sky pegasus came into view. They were pulling a carriage and from the looks of it the carriage didn't look like it was holding luggage.

"Where do you think they're heading?" I ask Celia.

She shrugs her shoulders, "how would I know?"

Soon we make it to school. Professor Dumbledore then announced something like Hogwarts was chosen to host a Triwizard Tournament.

"One student from each school will be chosen by the Goblet of Fire and enter the tournament. The tournament is a list of three tasks; three extremely dangerous tasks. They require all that you've learned and more."

"This sounds fun to watch," Mae whisper to me. I nod in agreement.

"And since we are hosting the tournament, we have a few special guests," Professor Dumbledore adds.

The door opens and some girls come in. They're all wearing a light blue dress and heels completed with a small hat, curled hair, and a little purse with matching gloves.

At some points they would curtsy to the side and make a weird noise. It was a mix between a sigh and a pathetic gasp. I see Namjoon cringe whenever they did that.

They made their way to the Slytherin table. I saw Jee holding her mouth trying not to puke. I had to refrain from laughing out loud.

After the girls passed behind them was an extremely tall headmistress. She was wearing a velvet cloak draped around her shoulders.

Then the girls joined the professors in front of the Main Hall.

What surprised me the most were the next students.

They were all rough guys who did a bunch of acrobatics up to the front. Behind them was their headmaster who was wearing animal fur. Ew.

Next to him was the Viktor Krum! He blew into his staff and a phoenix envelops Professor Dumbledore before disappearing.

"Now they're impressive," Mae whispers to me.

I nod, still in awe.

After their entrance Professor Dumbledore gives another speech before announcing that there was a new rule placed this year.

When he said that the ceiling began to rain.

I immediately chant a spell that covers me and Mae from getting wet, but the shield didn't cover my other friends so they got soaked. Luckily I had taught Namjoon the spell earlier.

Out of nowhere comes in? He had a rouge left eye through an eyepatch. He also had a metal left foot that clanked loudly.

He stepped forward and stopped the rain. "Listen up, students!"

Cornelius makes another entrance. "Since this tournament is so dangerous, the Ministry of Magic and I have agreed that  anyone who is 17 and older are only allowed to participate."

A lot of boos and awws started to envelope the room.

"Silence!" Professor Dumbledore finally shut everyone up. He waves his wand at the golden statue next to him.

The gold gradually melts to reveal a giant golden goblet standing on the speaking podium.

With another wave a crystal blue fire dances over the goblet. It didn't touch the goblet but was rather...floating over it.

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