Chapter Thirty: Christmas (pt. two)

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Snow littered the ground with another fresh coat of snow. The sun wasn't hung high in the sky yet but the snowflakes glittered against the trees.


I moan a little before rubbing my eyes. I sit up from the bed to see a jumping Jordis.

"What is it?" Celia was also awakened by her shouting.

"It's finally Christmas!" she squeals.

Celia and I quickly brush our rats nest of hair before walking downstairs.

"Merry Christmas!" Yoongi and Tae shouts.

"Wait, what? What are you guys doing here?" I was extremely confused.

"Your parents had to go so they called my aunt to come," Logan explains from under the Christmas tree. "Ooh, with our presents combined the Christmas tree looks so small."

"I don't care about the size," I shrug.

"I just want to know what's inside them," Jordis quickly walks over. "I'll give you guys your present before we open them. It's also tradition to go in order."

She gives us all our presents when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!"

"Wait, Jee's here?" I raise an eyebrow at Yoongi.

"She was fixing herself an Americano in the kitchen," he replies.

Moments later Jee comes into the room with Jimin.

"So that's why there were presents labeled Jimin..." Jordis thought.

"Anyway, the first one is Jimin. So open up your present!" Jee motions to his pile.

Jimin shrugs while opening a weird shaped one. It was revealed to a pastry.

"Since you got no jams, I decided to make you Pastry Jam Twist," Jee states.

"Jams?" Jimin looks at her in confusion.

"Yeah. Seriously, Jimin you got no jams."

He shrugs it off and starts to eat.

Next was Logan. He got a new quidditch broom from his parents.

Jee opened her present to reveal new headphones from Yoongi.

"Aw, thanks Yoongerz!" she hug him quickly before ushering Jordis to open her present.

She got a new art set from me and Celia.

Then it was Celia who got a soccer ball from Logan.

After was Tae who got muffins from Jordis.

Yoongi was next and was given a new shirt from his parents.

Finally it was my turn. I look at the card but there was no name.

"Does anyone recognize this?" I ask.

They all shake their head. I shrug before opening it. It turned out to be a limited edition CD of one of my favorite bands.

"Oh my God who gave me this?!" I almost squealed as I clutched the CD.

I see a faint smile on Yoongi's smile so I left it there.

Jimin got new shoes from his parents, Logan got a new coat, Jee got a new sweater from me, Jordis got new paintbrushes from her parents, Celia received a new Pusheen plushie from me and Jordis while Tae got a new hat while Yoongi got a new iPod that plays music from anonymous. (*cough* me *cough*) I opened my other present to reveal a Hot Topic gift card from my brothers. I'm really happy with this Christmas.

After a few more rounds of presents we all put them away and met up at the kitchen for breakfast.

"I didn't know you could bake," Jordis says to Jee who had made her cookies. She had made us all cookies.

"I will burn the kitchen if I cook, but I can bake," she replies with a shrug.

We finish our breakfast before meeting up at the living room again.

"What should we do now? I would want to do something with my hands but I always end up using magic. Sadly, magic's not allowed when out of school," Celia states.

"Extremely tragic," Jordis nods in agreement.

"The museum?" I suggest.

"Yeah, and what can be fun from learning?" Jimin asks.

"I like learning about history," I state.

"You're the only one," Jee replies.

"Ice skating?" Tae perks up.

"Why not?"

We all bundled up and took separate taxis to the skating rink. I shared one with Celia, Jordis, and Jee.

Jee hardly fit in the door since she was so bundled up. It looked like she was wearing three coats over another pair of three coats. She honestly looked like a human ball.

Finally we made it to the rink. Me, Jordis and Celia had to push/pull Jee out of the taxi. I paid her before we started making our way inside.

We rent some skates before putting them on. Luckily Jee decided that the rink wasn't too cold so she shed 3-5 coats. She started to look like herself again.

I helped her and Jordis get onto the ice while Celia just decided to get one of those things that help you on the ice. You can also use that for roller skating.

"Why did I agree to this? I suck at skating!" Celia tries to stand but she falls onto her butt.

I make a wedge with my skates before helping her up. "Hold onto it more tightly, okay?"

Jee and Jordis then give up and use Celia's standing thing as well.

I wasn't the greatest at ice skating but I could stand on my own. We were finishing our first lap around the rink when the boys finally decided to show up.

They had trouble finding the right shoe size for Jimin. Does he have small feet like he has small hands?

Yoongi and Logan had no trouble skating while Taehyung and Jimin stumbled around like a new born deer.

Soon Jordis just got a stand with Taehyung while Jee was paired with Jimin for another so Celia was by herself again. 

Not entirely, though. Logan skated right next to her.

"Don't fall on me, okay?" I say to Yoongi who was in front of me.

"I know, you can't catch me," he looks over his shoulder.


"When will this nightmare end?" Taehyung wails.

"You were the one who suggested ice skating!" Jordis slaps him on the shoulder. She loses balance but before she could fall, Taehyung catches her. He too falls where she lands on him.

"You know what I'm looking away," I turn my head the other way.

"Agreed," Yoongi nods and does the same.

After what felt like forever we decided to be done and went back to Celia's house. Her parents were also back by now so we had to say good bye to the boys and Jee.

"So what happened between you and Tae?" Celia asks Jordis once we were all in her bedroom.

She blushes a little before looking down. "I'm not quite sure."

"Did he finally confess to you or something?" I ask.

"Um...technically both of us didn't confess. He just asked me on a date."

"That means he likes you!" me and Celia shout at the same time.

"Shush! Quiet!" it was honestly really funny to see Jordis so embarrassed.

After we decided to fall asleep.

Since I couldn't I walked downstairs to see the Christmas tree still had its lights on.

I sit next to it and gaze at the stars from the window behind the tree. It really was a pretty sight.

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