Tymptir Kȳvanon-Game Plan

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"Why would a Queen want two common scientists hanging around? We aren't as established as your court scientists I can promise you that."

Illya chuckled. "You seem entertaining. I haven't been knocked to my feet in ages. It was quite refreshing. I can provide you with rooms and food. I promise you'd be taken care of. Oh! What are your names by the way?"

Adam shook his head. "You've brought them into your palace without even knowing so much as their names? I can't tell if you're stupid or just overly confident."

"Overconfidence is my middle name!"

"Overconfidence has been the downfall of many men."

"Good thing I'm not a man then."

Adam scoffed. As Illya and Adam fought, the other pair exchanged glances with each other. They had come to conduct research in Solaria and it was no secret that Illya's erratic behaviour lead to her knowing things that she shouldn't, which could prove useful in their research. Knowing a chance like this wouldn't arise again, they decided to follow her.

"Alright then. We'll stay. One room would be fine. This is my husband Kaito and my name is Tekina."

Illya shifted her attention to them. She clapped excitedly upon hearing Tekina's words. "Fantastic! Ein!"

A tall, slender man with long silver hair appeared from the shadow cast by Illya's sofa. If there was one thing that caught their eye about the man, it was his exposed shoulder which revealed veins like markings that pulsed in a glowing blue hue.

"Send a message to the hag at the ancient lab at Myahm Agana. Tell her I'll be taking care of two of her scientists from now on."

"Right away your majesty."

When he left, Illya leaned back, gesturing to tall the food in front of them. "Let's finish up here so we can head over to see Kain"


After eating their meals, the group made their way up to the observatory. The sound of humming but no one could be seen.

"Kain! Eddie's here to talk!" Illya announced.

The humming abruptly stopped and was replaced by rich, delirious laughter. Without warning a large, levitating, elaborately designed chair came crashing to the ground. On it was a man who adorned a fanciful black and gold suit. Everything about him was over the top. From his amethyst hair and golden eyes, one of which was replaced by a glass eye that was held in place by a golden prosthetic that covered part of his face. Tekina and Kaito honestly began to question the company Illya chose to keep.

"Welcome back Queenie!" He laughed.

"These are some scientists from Myahm Agana, Tekina and Kaito. They'll be staying with us for a while." Illya pointed towards them.

The pair simply nodded. Kain grinned, flashing his sharp teeth.

"Greetings! I am what some would call the "mad scientist" of the royal court, the one and only Kain of Solaria!" He gestured to himself dramatically.

Adam slammed several documents onto the desk at the far corner of the room. "Alright. Enough idle banter. It's time we discussed some issues."

"Alright, then little time worm. What have you found?" Kain teased as he made his way over to the table.

Adam scowled but let it slide as there were more pressing matters at hand. "While I was in the country of Kin, I was told that the King of Sindaria is planning an attack on Solaria in approximately six months from now. It seems his allies won't be making an appearance though. It'll just be himself and...Li."

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