Se Zaldrīzes se se Qrinuntys-The Dragon And The Spy

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Content with his work, the mysterious figure stepped back and observed the body. Across her throat was a tidy, fine slash, a stinging mark of a whip sharp blade and her opened, bloodshot eyes left the messy trail of an uninvited guest. He placed a hand over the corpses eyes, closing them before tucking his dagger back at his side. He walked to the bookshelf next to the window, his steps not making so much as a sound. He quickly scanned the books. Peeking over some atlases and spell books, he noticed there was a part of the wall that looked off. It was unnoticeable but he managed to spot it amidst the darkened cluster of books.

He pushed the books aside and pried at the wall with his small dagger. It opened up and revealed a small square compartment with a single book in it. He pulled the book out and opened it. The book had been hollowed out and inside it was a small bottle that held a letter. The passage of time was evident in the condition of the paper. It had to have at least been 40 or 50 years old. Just as his finger tips grazed the tip of the bottle, an amused chuckle drifted across the room.

"Interesting. Such a young face sent to assassinate the Queen."

He spun around and in a matter of seconds he had drawn his gun and fired at the voice. The voice responded with another chuckle, the bullet being gently held between her fingers.

"Not bad. No wasted movements, you're good for a little runt. Although I have to say, guns suit you better than that measly dagger of yours."

The voice stepped closer. Now illuminated by the moonlight, Illya took the boys hand. He flinched and raised the gun to her head but was surprised when she simply dropped the bullet into his palm. He briefly looked back at the body on the bed to see it dissolving into little orbs of shi.

"A clone...but it felt so real..." He mumbled.

Illya crossed her hands and leaned against the bookshelf. "You honestly thought I wouldn't notice you following me?"

"I...heard the stories of your monster like senses but I didn't think my skills were so half baked either." He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Oh believe me they aren't but I felt a strange presence all day, of course I would be extra attentive."

She tilted her head from side to side, examining the boy's features. Without warning she grabbed his chin and brought his face closer. He instinctively brought the gun back to her head. She let it rest under her chin as her distinctive cheshire smirk formed at her lips.

"You're smart enough to get in my chambers, then you're smart enough to realize that refusing to answer my questions or lying, will inevitably get you killed. First, if you thought the information you sought was in here, why not sneak in while I was away?"

The boy squinted, slightly annoyed at her "devil may care" attitude towards the gun pointed at her face. He took a step back, trying to break free, but her grip was too strong. He gave up on struggling and brought the gun back to his side.

"I tried, but you're clearly prepared for that kind of intrusion. You know damn well about the runes hidden along the perimeter of the room. I had to sneak in just as you walked through the barrier when the runes opened up. By the way, that's a crappy security system. No one can enter but you? What if someone attacked you like this?"

Illya's grin widened and laugh that would never sound from anyone sane managed to slip past her lips. "Oh please. Who do you think I am? Of course my servants can enter but the secret as to how is solely reserved for people who work under me. I'm sure you understand why I can't tell you, Mr.Spy. Let me guess. King Sana sent you to steal information about the priestesses yeah? on the capital perhaps?"


"Of course you're not going to answer." She huffed, pushing him away."Sorry to burst your bubble kid, but you won't find any information about the priestesses or the capital here."

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