Rȳ se Mōris-At Wits End

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The entire ride over there, Sin did his best to avoid Nikiro. At some point, he noticed that he didn't even have to try because Nikiro had completely stopped trying to talk to him. Sin would be lying if he said it didn't hurt a bit, but it was what he wanted right? When they arrived in Haan, everyone got off the ship and began making plans of where they wanted to go first. Illya began leading all the parents off to one of the little areas to get food and Astrid pulled Tobi along up the long staircase. The princes and the others climbed the stairs after them. It was very obvious that the residence was Illya's. The huge statue of her at the top of the stairs made it hard to say otherwise.

Sin wasted no time in pulling Dez away. Avarice decided to wander off on his own and Ea and Ri-is took Yukimi and Tah Min for a walk in the gardens. Nikiro and Kashino were left to their own devices so they decided to go explore.


Sin and Dez had gone to one of the inner chambers. They sat drinking and talking for a while. They were very much drunk at this point.

"Why don....you jus...just talk to him?" Slurred Dez.

"I'm not trying to cause trouble for them." Sin laughed a bit and poked Dez's cheek. He found he was kind of grateful that she had a lower alcohol tolerance than him. Otherwise, he might not have been able to see such a cute side to her.

"I'm not saying that...th...that you're trying to cause trouble....buuh...but you're going to have tah...face it eventually!"

Sin remained silent. Even in her less than coherent state, he knew she was right and he was just being childish. Dez soon began to fall asleep. Sin helped her up and called for one of the servants to send her to her room. He stayed to drink for a bit more. He was enjoying his time alone when a knock came at the door. He shifted slightly and glanced over his shoulder. Kashino stood leaning on one of the walls. Sin groaned and turned around.

"Hey. Can I join you?" He said, walking closer.

"If I say no will you leave?" Said Sin, taking a swig of his drink.

"Nope." Kashino took a seat next to him.

Sin glanced at him through the corner of his eye. He could feel the award tension in his bones. He tapped on the bottle of alcohol in front of him.

"Want a drink?"

Kashino shook his head. "I'm seventeen. Don't drink."

Sin choked on his drink. "Seventeen? You're not even legal yet! Guess he's just into younger guys." The depressed tone in his voice was unmistakable.

They fell into awkward silence. Kashino stared at Sin for a moment before speaking up again. "Look I'll just cut to the chase. Do you have feelings for Nikiro?"

Sin put his drink down. The very last thing he wanted to think about now was that. In fact, he thought he was doing a pretty decent job of forgetting it and felt maybe soon things could go back to normal. But Kashino's question made everything he was feeling resurface and he panicked.

"Now that's not any of your business is it?"

"If it has to do with my boyfriend then yes. It is my business." Kashino fired back.

Sin straightened up and responded with irritation of his own before downing another glass."I'm not tryna steal your man if that's what you're implying here."

"Oh, I know. Nikiro would never let that happen. He's loyal. The last person I'd picture him with is some dude who'd chase anything and everything just to satisfy himself." Kashino genuinely walked in there, not trying to start a fight, but Sin's attitude lit a fire under his skin and in and true to his warrior nature, he pushed back.

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