Iā Bantis hen Ojūdan Ōdres-A Night of Lost Emotions

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Sin panicked and made the flames disappear along with his whip. He flew down to meet his mother, ducking his head in a guilty manner.

"I'm sorry mom I got carried away!"

Nikiro followed him down. Glancing at Sin, his brows knit in confusion. "Hold on. You didn't say anything about us not being able to battle here. Zur-sin, at least lead me to a proper place to fight before you actually engage in combat. Be a little more sensitive with the people around you, yeah?"

Illya sighed, rubbing her temples. "It's not that you aren't allowed to spar here. It's that this one gets far too carried away sometimes and I can't be constantly repairing things that shouldn't need repairing!"

Luckily for Sin, Illya hadn't seen the half smashed balcony that he had fallen into earlier. While Tekina checked on her son, Sin apologized once more and was led away by Illya.

"I have something important to discuss with Sin so I'm afraid I'll have to leave you two."
Tekina nodded understandingly. "It's fine. We can chat when you aren't busy."
Illya smiled and walked away with Sin.


Tobi and Astrid had returned later that evening. On their way back into the palace, they ran into Hayate.

"Hayate! Perfect timing! Can you take me to see mama? She's not busy, is she? I have something to speak with her about."

Hayate nodded. "Of course Princess. Follow me."

Astrid pulled Tobi along as they were escorted to the throne room. When they entered Illya was already speaking with Sin. Sin looked at her worriedly.

"Mama? What's wrong?" Asked Astrid as she walked up to the pair?

Illya stopped and turned to face her. "Astrid! We were just talking about you. Listen mama was just thinking, you're getting older and I know you're at that age when you start noticing boys and you've always been a social butterfly, I just—"

"Mama! That's exactly why I came here to speak with you! I've decided to marry Cheng," she declared confidently.

Illya froze. "What! No! Astrid think about this seriously you're -"

"I am thinking seriously mama! Why are you so worried about this issue all of sudden?"

Sin looked at his mother and sighed. "Astrid what she's trying to say is that you're only sixteen. You don't need to get married right now."

"Why not? Mama was getting sent off to suitors at younger ages than me!"

"Those were different times Astrid. I never wanted to have my future sold off like that and it's the last thing I want for you guys. What I'm trying to say is that seeing as how you've expressed an interest in finding a partner I've come up with the idea to let you hold a ball. I had many of these when I was younger. You can dance and enjoy the evening without the added stress of finding a partner. Just enjoy yourself and—"

"But wouldn't an alliance with the summer Isle be beneficial to us?"

Illya paused and looked at her daughter. "Astrid. Let me ask you something. Are you in love with Cheng? And I don't mean do you find him handsome or do you think he treats you well. I'm asking are you in love with him."

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