Dāria's Dārōñe-Queen's Grace

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The sun was high in the summer sky and everyone was gathered in the Western Passages at the base of Mount Solaris. The flame temple could be seen in the distance and so could the palace that sat atop the volcanic mountain. Everyone stood on the bridge that over looked much of the land before the village, in the center stood Illya and Sora. Citizens were gathered down below, watching intently. Nikiro and Tobi were knelt in front of Illya who smiled down at them.

"Today we are gathered to recognize the great bravery displayed by these young men who came to our beloved country not to long ago. In our fight against the order of Henaer they fought bravely to protect our people, despite having no relation to us. Their sense of justice and duty is highly commendable."

Sora stepped forward, first in front of Nikiro.

"Nikiro Hatake, you fought with the Prince's to defend the village against Goddess Henaer's forces. Your valiant efforts have been rewarded with this emblem."

Nikiro stood and Sora pinned a badge with the Solarian crest on it to his tunic. Nikiro stole a glance at the cluster of people behind Illya. Tekina and Kaito smiled reassuringly at Nikiro and Sin shot him a thumbs up. Nikiro bowed graciously when Sora was done and watched as Sora then made his way in front of Tobi.

"Tobi Hinukoe, you did well in assisting the Princess in fending off the creatures of the void. Your decision to stay and protect her despite having no reason to shows a great deal of courage and speaks volumes of your character."

Tobi glanced behind Sora to see Astrid beaming at him. He shot her a goofy grin before bringing his attention back to Sora.

"In light of this we would like to reward you with title Sun's Shadow." Sora put his hands on Tobi and Nikiro's shoulder. "Through dialogue with the Queen and with great consideration, we are proud to welcome you both into the Solarian Court."

Having been briefed on the procedures of the ceremony beforehand, Tobi and Nikiro undid the buttons on their tunics, exposing their chests. They stood proudly as Illya stepped in front of him. With her two fingers she drew the Solarian crest. Each stroke left a trail of shi. With the palm of her hand, she pushed it first onto Tobi's chest and then onto Nikiro's. Both men winced, biting back a hiss of pain as it seared itself into their skin. Placed right over their hearts, it was to forever be a reminder of his joining Illya's court.

Illya retracted her hand, leaning above Tobi's shoulder. "You once questioned how only my servants could enter my chambers despite the protective runes remember? Back when we first met?" She whispered. Illya pointed to the fresh insignia on his chest. "That's how. You have my mark engraved into your shi now. Now you're a part of the family. Don't disappoint. We take our jobs very seriously here."

She pulled away and placed a hand on his shoulder. "As the Sun's Shadow you will serve as my eyes and ears as a reconnaissance soldier. You were the one who made the decision to join our ranks. For someone so young I'm sure it must have taken a great deal of thought. I'm sure you know that the path you've chosen for your future holds many grueling endeavors. I can't promise you will come out unscathed but I can promise to treat you as though you were my blood and look out for you to the best of my abilities. I swear that there will be many opportunities to create wonderful memories in a land where you can forge your own path through your own power."

Illya stepped back and extended her hand. When she did, Adam stepped out from one of the arch ways with a small rune.

"As proof of my vow, please accept this gift we've prepared for you. It is hand crafted by Ed—"

Adam sent a bone chilling glare in Illya's direction. She laughed nervously and quickly corrected herself.

"haha...ha...Adam...and I...it's something we've been working on for a while. As a fellow adventurer and innovator, I hope it will serve you well."

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