Skoriot Perzys se Suvion Rhaenagon-Where Fire and Ice Colide

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Sin skillfully weaved through the crowds as he made his way down the street with Nikiro close behind. He briefly stopped at a fruit stand and picked up two apple. He tossed the vendor two copper lunair before sinking his teeth into one.

"So tell me about your boyfriend. What's he like?"

Nikiro thought for a moment before answering. "He's...energetic to say the least. He likes to run his mouth, but I find it adorable! Kashino, ah boyfriend. He has a bit closed off but I think I've been able to get him to open up more! What about you? Do you have uh...a partner?"

Sin chuckled and turned to Nikiro, tossing him an apple. "I mean I've dated around but nothing really serious. I find it more fun to keep things casual. Can't get hurt if you don't get attached y'know."

Nikiro didn't say anything, he simply gave him a nod and took a bite of the apple. They continued along the illuminated path when a loud voice echoed from a few feet behind them.

"There you are!"

Sin froze, glancing over his shoulder to meet the angry gaze of his brother.

"Uh oh...busted." He mumbled.

Nikiro shot Sin a confused glance as the man swiftly marched up to them and grabbed Sin

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Nikiro shot Sin a confused glance as the man swiftly marched up to them and grabbed Sin

"Mother has been looking everywhere for you!"

Nikiro raised an eyebrow at his words. "Mother?"

Ea let go of Sin momentarily and turned to face Nikiro. "Oh! Apologies for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Ea. I'm the second Prince of Solaria. Your parents are currently with my mother. I apologise for the trouble my brother here has caused."

Nikiro's eyes drifted to Sin who was whistling a tune whilst swaying in a guilty manner. "Brother? I thought you said you were just a soldier."

"That's what you told him? You're an heir to the throne and you're goofing around!" Ea scolded.

Sin kissed his teeth and sighed. "I just wanted to get to know him without having to put on airs. I didn't want a snob living with us. Besides, if told him who I was I'd have to act all proper and shit."

"...when has that ever stopped you from"

Sin huffed, sticking his tongue out at Ea. "You wouldn't understand, you're always perfect, " he mumbled. "Let's just get going before mom gets angrier." He grabbed Nikiro's hand and grinned. "Come on! This way!"


By the time they arrived at the palace, everyone had already eaten breakfast and were now enjoying some free time in the drawing room. Illya had business to attend to so she was down in the throne room. Sin Thought this meant he was off the hook for now but much to his dismay, he was summoned. As they neared the throne room, they noticed that Ri-is and Hayate were already there. Hayate escorted Nikiro to his parents and Sin reluctantly stepped into the throne room with his brothers to face his mother.

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