Jehikagrī Jorrāelagon-Blooming Friendship

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"Sooo you have a son?" Illya asked curiously.

"Yeah. And a daughter. My boy's older by a year."

She nodded awkwardly. "No offence but when the hell did that happen."

"Four years after you happened."

Illya thought for a moment. He could have very well had his kids four years after she discovered the ruins of Aruma An, but when she met him, he didn't look like he even had a wife, much less someone he was interested in.

"You got a wife?"

"Yeah. She's not from here though. She came from Yah Rin. She showed up on Arunian shores by accident, got herself attacked by an Ifrit and I rescued her. Happened sometime after you left."

Illya hummed in response. Tekina tapped on her shoulder and she turned around. "Um...are you two friends?"

"No." The both of them answered simultaneously.

"Princess Crybaby over here is a huge pain in the ass."

"And Mister Cultist over there isn't exactly a ray of sunshine if you haven't already noticed."

"I was Just wondering since you two seem so familiar with one another."

"Don't let the little names and forced civilized interactions fool you. I only call her a crybaby because when we first met she wouldn't shut the hell up about how I killed her prey. Like I give a damn. All she does is whine about everything I do."

"No, I just call you out on your bullshit and you start throwing tantrums like a little kid."

He abruptly spun around and grabbed her by her throat, pulling her towards him. Her face contorted into a cocky smirk as she glared back at him. The both of them looked like they were gonna start fighting again, what with their growls and fingers, slowly inching towards concealed weapons. Whatever bloodlust they had was quickly engulfed by one more potent and bone chilling. Hideki immediately let go of Illya, who turned to see Sora standing menacingly behind her. As soon as Hideki let go, he slipped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to his side to make sure she wouldn't pounce at Hideki.

"How about you lay off yeah? My lovely wife over here just had a baby not too long ago and I'd hate to have to break that shitty face of yours. Honestly, what kind of man grabs a lady like that!" He huffed in irritation. He continued on, getting straight to the point, hoping to leave quickly so he didn't kick Hideki's face in. "We're looking for a certain gypsy that we were told passes by here."

Illya tried to shuffle around Sora and take a swing at Hideki but he held her firmly in his arms, soothing her little burst of anger. Hideki scoffed.

"Well, you're in luck. She's supposed to be dropping by here soon."

"I thought you don't let outsiders hand around here," said Sin.

"I don't but sometimes we need her potions to use as catalysts in various rituals. As long as she doesn't tell anyone our location, or sells me some crap quality bullshit then I got no reason to kill her."

"That must be why we got here before her. She must take alternate routes to avoid having someone tail her," whispered Tekina.

They continued down the village. They were lead to a small hut with a few hammocks inside.

"You can stay here while you wait," said Hideki.

He turned to leave but was met with a young girl, barreling into his stomach.

"Papa!" She cheered.

The girl looked to be about sixteen. She had the same purple eyes and silver hair as her father and had a pretty blue flower in her hair. Judging from the beads of sea glass around her torso, she seemed to be quite into pretty things.

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