Zȳhon Prūmia isse se Sombāzmion-His Heart in Ink

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Avarice had gone to get Nikiro since Sin didn't want to and this for sure, didn't go unnoticed by Illya. When they came into the hut, Sin had been trying really hard to avoid eye contact. Kashino went over to his mother to discuss something while the other's watched Illya open a portal back home.

"Mom, can I go with them? It's been forever since I last saw Nikiro!" Kashino pleaded.

Sin spun around, protest written all over his face. "I mean Solaria's got pretty harsh conditions and like...you could die so maybe you should stay here!" Sin cursed himself for being so childish, but he still couldn't help himself.

"Harsh conditions are nothing. We have that over here too. Plus I'm a warrior, I wouldn't be killed so easily," said Kashino.

Hideki, who had been standing in the doorway the entire time tossed Kashino a bag with basic necessities. "Oi, Princess Crybaby, why don't you let my boy go with you."

Chiyakuya looked down at the bag in Kashino's hands. "Are you sure? He's never been outside the rifts for a long period of time before?"

Hideki nodded. "That's exactly why he should go. Get some experience in the outside world. Trust me if anyone can take care of him it's her." He pointed to Illya.

Illya sighed. "Fine, but I have to discuss some conditions with you." Chiyakuya and Hideki walked outside to talk. Sin didn't wait for them to come back, he just sped through the portal, leaving everyone else behind.

"...He...uh...must be really tired..." Nikiro said, still unconvinced that Sin was just tired.

Avarice scratched his head nervously and went in after Sin. Sora, who was sitting and watching everything unfold stood up and dusted himself off. He patted Nikiro's back.

"Sorry about that, my sons are always kinda moody, don't let it get to you! Bellany, come with me I'll show you to my daughter."

Bellany nodded, following Sora through the portal.

"I'm gonna head back too. I'll see you back at the castle sweety!" Tekina finished organizing her notes on the trip and headed through the portal herself.

A few moments later, Illya returned and smacked Kashino on the back.

"Alright kid. Looks like you're getting your wish. Come on. Let's go."

She waited as Kashino said goodbye to his parents and Nikiro lead him through the portal. Illya was the last to enter, to make sure nothing went wrong. As the portal closed, so did their little excursion to the ancient land. Now it was time to head back home.


Ea had taken Tah Min out for a walk in the gardens. Ever since the death of her brother, she had understandably been quite down. She didn't let it get to her for long though. She was adamant in picking herself back up, saying that it would have upset her brother to see her down for so long. Tah Min hadn't taken apart in the battle several days ago despite how much she wanted to because Ea recommended she take some time to remove herself from the madness so she could collect herself and take the time she needed to mourn. Now that she was feeling better, Ea wanted to take her out and spend some time with her. He held his arm out and she gladly accepted as she linked her arm through his and they strolled leisurely through the gardens. At some point during their walk, they had come across Ri-is and Yukimi, who were looking around on the path opposite to them. Tah Min waved and they came over.

"Good Afternoon Tah Min. How are you feeling today?" Asked Yukimi.

"Much better now. What about you? Were you looking for something?"

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