Hēnkirī Urnēptre-Mixed Signals

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Dez awoke to the pleasant sound of birds chirping. She shifted in her bed, finding that in the time she had stayed in the palace, she had grown quite accustomed to it. It was now slightly over a month since she arrived in Solaria. If anything, she could say that everyone had been very accommodating and welcoming. She sighed into her pillow, enjoying the warm rays of sun that drifted in from the window and danced on her face. She moved to turn over but found that she couldn't. Her eyes immediately shot open as adrenaline flooded her senses. Peeking under the covers she spotted a pair of arms, thoroughly wrapped around her waist. It was then that she saw it tighten around her as she was pulled flush against someone's chest. He rammed her elbow back into their gut, sending them toppling off the bed. Once free, she rolled over and sat up, glaring at intruder.

Sin held his stomach and slowly sat up. "Well good morning to you too." He said, biting back the pain.

"What are you doing in my room?" She groaned.

Sin chuckled. "How could I pass up a chance to see you in your night gown?" He leaned back and gave her a sarcastic wink.

She looked down at her attire. A thin white night gown, one strap slipping off her shoulder, it's short length bundled on her lap, exposing her long legs. She sighed and ran a hand through her messy hair.

"Oh please. Don't you know it's rude to disrespect your elders like that."

'Don't worry I only just got here. I wanted to see if you were okay after well...y'know...getting drenched in freezing cold water and then having to walk back all soaked." Sin frowned. "And you know, you're not that much older than me. We're only like...a year apart."

Dez shrugged and got up. "You may as well be a toddler in my eyes...and I'm fine. I don't catch colds so easily." She stretched and made her way behind the screens in the corner of the room to get ready for her bath.

Sin hopped to his feet as well."Wanna take a bath together then?"

Dez peeked over the screen with a look that could only read "are you serious?"

It was Sin's turn to shrug. "What? I'm a kid yeah? I need someone to help me!"

Dez emerged from behind the screen with a towel wrapped around her. She smiled which confused Sin as she never really smiled like that around him except for when she was completely smashed and stumbling out of the pub.

"Alright then. Let's go."

Sin gaped at her. "...what?"

She sauntered out in front of him, being sure to give him a good show. "You want to take a bath together right? Let's go."

Sin stared at her slack jawed and wide eyed before forcibly shaking himself from his fantasies and grabbing Dez's wrist. "Wait. If we're going to take a bath, why don't we set the mood a little. Come with me to the royal baths. It's just past the geyser springs where you usually bathe."

"Alright then."

She exited the room before him and Sin did a victory flip before running out after her in excitement.


When they arrived Dez discarded her towel and slipped inside. She sighed contently as the warmth enveloped her. Sin skipped next to her and knelt down as he began to unbutton his shirt. He placed his sword down and his necklace on top of his shirt, folding the insignia charm under his shirt which sat next to Dez's sandals.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I know I'm a bit pushy with my jokes but I won't do anything if it really makes you uncomfortable."

Dez looked back at him with slight guilt in her eyes. "No no. Of course not. I'm okay with it. Really." She turned back to the water and stared at her reflection. The water seemed to sparkle gold and she couldn't help but find it mesmerizing. Having been given the okay, Sin removed his clothes and hopped in. He relaxed into the water, although he did situate himself quite a bit away from Dez. He was content just having the chance to be this close to her. While he did like to joke around and poke fun at her, he really didn't want to make her feel pressured into anything she wasn't comfortable with.

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