Hārīblie Hen Amplie Hūra-November Thirtieth

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Illya's confused expression was replaced with a look of sheer panic. She fell to the ground and wrapped her hands around the wound in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding but she knew it was futile. She had used an arrow with a special restrictor property. Which meant, once it made contact, it's substance would prevent the victim from healing. This was to ensure a definite kill. Araht, who had also been put under Sana's spell, snapped out of it when he released his magic completely. Araht watched in horror as her sister collapsed onto the floor in a pool of her own blood. Takeru and Themis rushed to her side when Li stopped her attacks and went over to her place beside Sana. Araht ran over to Illya and gently took her hand. The Dragon Queen shook with rage.

"My baby...My baby...SOMEONE SAVE MY BABY! I CAN'T DO IT! I CAN'T HEAL HER!" She screamed, consumed with panic. She took a breath, forcing herself to focus her thoughts.. The most she could do was use her own time magic to freeze time for the baby, so that she could maintain her condition before she found a way to save her.

"I told you. Join me and I'll save her."


Sana shrugged. "Alright. Have it your way." He stood with Li, watching her bleed out.

Takeru opened another portal. Illya was beginning to loose conscious when something hit her. She could have sworn Sana called her Princess. The only people who call her princess are those from Aruma An because over there, she would still, in fact, be a princess. As the crowd in front of her blurred, the one thing she was able to make out was a shadowy figure right behind Sana...and...he was smiling. She felt herself being lifted and carried through the portal but the image haunted her every thought before she finally lost consciousness.


Illya's eyes fluttered open slowly. Her entire body felt heavy. The first thing she noticed were the drapes around the bed that told her she was in her room. She turned her head weakly to the side to see Sora holding her hand.

"You're awake." He said softly.

She could tell by the shakiness in his voice and the redness of his eyes that he had been crying.  Memories of what happened gradually came back to her. When she remembered what happened, she shot up. All the colour drained from her face and beads of sweat slid down her forehead as if she were waking up from a bad dream. Sora gently put his arms around her and pushed her back down.

"Don't move so fast. You lost a lot of blood..."

"H-How long have I been out?" She rasped in a voice that sounded like it hadn't been used for years.

"Not long. A couple hours at most. Sana called back his troops after Takeru and the others brought you back. The court physician has been really pushing it to try and stabilize you...I was really worried...after I lead all the citizens to where they were supposed to evacuate to, I came back here and you were already covered in blood...things had escalated so quickly. We...found out that Avarice double crossed us. He knocked out Phoebe and immobilized Nikiro so he could let enemy troops in."

Illya's eyes widened, but she couldn't say she was entirely surprised.

"Where is he now?" She asked worriedly.

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