Pryjatan Jorrāelagon-Withering Friendship

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"Kashino!" Nikiro made his way over to Kashino who stood up to hug him. Sin watched awkwardly as they embraced.

"Been a while huh?"

Nikiro laughed. "Yeah, It has been."

Kaimi walked up to them and poked her brother's cheek.

"This one's been sulking at the pond for a few days now so its good you came when you did!"

Kashino blushed, shooing her hand away. Nikiro laughed again and pecked him on the cheek.

"Awe. I missed you too. Oh! That's right! There's someone I wanted to introduce you to! He's-" Nikiro turned around, expecting Sin to be behind him but he turned only to find himself pointing at thin air. "Not here..."

Kaimi tilted her head in confusion. "Huh? But he was with us when we walked up here! Where could he have gone?"


Back down on the beach, Hideki had brought Illya and the other adults to the boat shop to introduce them to his wife. He spoke to her first, leaving the others at the dock. When he was finished he called them over. Hideki's wife was a young woman about the same age as Illya. Her long curly hair floated around her like a lion's mane and to top it all off, stunning turquoise eyes that looked like the tropical sea had pooled right into them.

 Her long curly hair floated around her like a lion's mane and to top it all off, stunning turquoise eyes that looked like the tropical sea had pooled right into them

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"Hi, there! The name's Chiyakuya! Nice to meet ya!"

She shook Illya and Tekina's hands with great vigor. It was clear where Kaimi got her bubbly energy from. Sora gave her a nod and she nodded back.

"I hear you fought with Hideki. Sorry about that. It's just that it's only us in this secluded village and Hideki's already experienced issues with hostile invasions so we're very protective of our life here."

"Don't mention it." Said Sora.

He went on to explain their situation. They sat on the small canoe and chatted while they waited. Avarice had come out of the hut and was poking around the shore when he spotted Sin flying down from the mountain. Sin sped down the beach with his head down. His unusual downcast demeanor worried Avarice, although he'd never admit it. Avarice hurried over to him to see what was wrong.

"Whats the matter? You weren't gone for very long." He said.

"It's nothing. Nikiro is up there with his boyfriend. Since they haven't seen each other for a while, I thought I'd give them some privacy is all." He said with an irritated frown.

Avarice frowned as well, a silent "oh" forming at his lips.

It wasn't long after Sin had come down from the mountain that a figure could be seen approaching the village entrance. Sora was the first to notice.

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