Ossȳngnon Hen Bōsa Gō-Nightmares From The Past

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Some time had past and all the guests began to trickle out of the castle. Dez wandered through the halls, assessing her new home. As she turned the corner she found herself colliding with someone going the opposite direction. She stumbled back and rubbed her nose.

"Ow! Watch where you're going!" She scolded.

She opened her eyes to look up at who it was only to find Sin staring back at her. His expression was anxious to say the least, but his irritated glare was replaced with a playful grin when he realized who he was staring down at.

"I didn't think you'd be so eager that you'd come running into my arms. Feel free to do it again!" He teased as he opened his arms wide and laughed. Dez groaned.

"Ugh you wish!" She spat.

"Yeah I do actually."

A long sigh escaped her ruby lips. "Why are you in such a rush anyways?"

There was a long silence. He stared at her wondering if he should tell her what happened or not. He inevitably decided that he didn't want to talk about it. Instead he smiled.

"I was looking for you!" He sang.

Dez groaned. ".....why?"

"Let's play a game!"


"Please! It's my birthday!"

Sin pouted, his gaze boring holes into her skull. She very reluctantly conceded.


Sin grinned and grabbed her hand. "Come on!"

Sin took her to all the way to a small tavern in the village. It had closed early so that everyone else could go out an enjoy the parade and festival activities. The sun was minutes away from setting and began to cast warm shadows over the village. Sin snuck into the tavern and pulled Dez inside with him.

"I know the owners so don't worry about getting into trouble." He said as he pulled up two stools.

"I'm a pirate. I never worry about getting into trouble." Dez reminded him.

Sin laughed. "I guess your right."

He sat her down and pulled up some alcohol from behind the bar. "First one to get drunk looses."

Dez looked between Sin and the alcohol."What do I get if I win?"

"I'll do whatever you want."

"...I can't exactly think of something right now..."

"That's okay. You can cash it in whenever you want and if I win, you have to have dinner with me."

Dez crossed her arms. "Are you seri—"

Sin cut her off by pushing a glass in her face. "Bottoms up!"

He raised his own glass to his lips and took a drink. He put the glass down, smirking smugly as he looked over at Dez. Dez sighed.

"I could always leave you here to get drunk by yourself." She said.

Sin shrugged. "Go ahead. If the great pirate captain of the Antalyian sea can't handle her alcohol then this wouldn't be much of a competition."

Dez glared at him and grabbed the glass, chugging it's contents. She slammed the glass down and wiped her mouth. "Don't get cocky."

Sin grinned triumphantly and poured them another glass.


Illya had passed through the arch way and walked through the long hallway. Shadows of minor opponents were all scattered throughout the halls. She continued along, cutting them down as she went. She finally made it to the next room. When she entered a sigil appeared, locking her in, just as it did with the first room. The room was almost identical to the last except this one had a couple extra pillars. When the mist that rose from ground made contact with Illya's skin it began to freeze over. Illya flinched and jumped away from it, raising her body heat to melt it off. The room was freezing and the barren ambiance was suffocating. It gave her a sense of complete isolation and helplessness.

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