Isse Vējes's Ondos-In Fate's Hands

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By the next morning, everyone in the village had heard of the ball that the Crown Prince was throwing for his sister. It was a given that many high profile guests from other nations would be attending, many of which were the sons and daughters of friends that Illya and Sora had sent invitations to.  The country knew that Astrid was of age now and could start looking for suitors so it came as no surprise that the country was abuzz with talk of who the Princess might take a liking to. Come evening time inside the palace, guests began to flood in.

Sin made his way down the stairs to greet everyone. "Welcome to Solaria everyone! I do hope you enjoy your stay here! Tonight is a special night dedicated to my sweet sister. We thought it necessary to have a celebration in her honour to make up for the lack of festivities earlier this year when she was to have her coming of age ceremony. Do enjoy yourselves tonight, I hope you find our hospitalities to your liking."

The guests found their place, getting their food or swaying to the music and conversing. Everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of the Crown Princess. Illya and Sora had gone to her room to fetch her. Upon entering, they found Astrid sitting at her dresser. The maids having just finished styling her hair, excused themselves once they noticed Illya.

Illya walked up to Astrid and place a hand on her shoulder. "Is everything alright Sea Star?"

Astrid exhaled, staring nervously into the mirror. "I'm fine mama."

"You don't have to be so nervous. Sin's already gotten through the bulk of the formalities. All you have to do is show up and say hi. See? Nothing to worry about!"

Illya and Sora escorted Astrid to the ballroom. Seibel announced the arrival of the Crown Princess and she stepped into the ballroom. The entire room fell silent as everyone collectively shifted their attention to Astrid. She descended the stairs, smiled and greeted everyone and followed her parents to their seats. The music picked up again and refreshments were brought to the Queen and her consort. Sora and Illya took their drinks and began to chat. Astrid stood up and went around to various groups extending warm welcomes and engaging in idle discussions. Though the ball was for her, it was ultimately Sin who had found himself entertaining the majority of guests. Ri-is simply followed Ea through his rounds and much to their surprise, Avarice had decided to show his face as well.

Astrid scanned the room. For the most part, people were busy socializing in their own little groups, but she could see that men were already beginning to scope her out for a dance. One by one, men began to crowd around her, all peacocking for her attention. Everyone was trying to make conversation but she couldn't speak with every single one of them at once. As much of a social butterfly as she was, she found herself a little exhausted already and had to wonder how he mother was able to do it when she was far more introverted than Astrid was at this age.

Among the men that had approached her was non-other than Cheng. She smiled as he maneuvered his way to the front of the crowd. He looked to be really putting on the extra charm today.

He bowed and extended his hand to her. "Good evening Princess. Would you do me the honour of allowing me a dance?" He asked.

The music picked up, signalling the real start to the party. She smiled happily as she accepted his offer. Taking his had, she stood up and let him guide her to the dance floor, oblivious to Illya's scrutinizing gaze on the pair. Illya glanced at Rather, who was seated a little ways away with his wife and daughter. He shook his head, earning a sigh from Illya.

"I'm going to see how the boys are doing." She motioned to Sora.

He nodded to her and continued to converse with the other Lords and Princes that had come. Illya made her way over to Sin and inconspicuously whispered to him.

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