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Ambers POV

it was Taylor caniff

Omggg !😍

He lived on my street ?!
Omg .

My mom and dad went outside
I was staring at him

"Shit" I think he noticed

Yup he did he came walking over

He screamed hey!

I looked back to see if anyone was behind me but no one was

"Yeah you"

Ohh, hii 😊

Are you new ?
Yeah I said .

Cool I'm Taylor !
I'm amber

Taylor's POV

I couldn't help but stare at her oops she noticed

Looking much she said laughing

Yep ur pretty

Awll, thanks ur not to bad ur self

*it was April first *
April fools hahahaha she said

Noo I'm jk ur cute I guess

Wow thanks hahah I said laughing

Hey I'm kinda u know new

Do u wanna come over tomorrow ?

Sureee!!!! I said so happy !

A/n hey guys so it's not that good so far but it will be ! Till next time thanks guys mk going to prob update tonight or tomorrow byee

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