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Ambers POV

i heard a familiar voice..

It was Meghan and matt

They were running up to me.

"You can't go this long without us ," they said.

I looked at them then at Taylor.

Taylor got his phone out .

He called Shawn .

"Hey dude is it ok if Meghan and matt come ?" He asked.

"Yeah it's fine !" Shawn said.

Meghan and matt were excited , they ran to their houses to pack.

"Hurry up!" Taylor screamed.

They came running out their houses and into the car.

Shawn's house was 1 hour and 30 mins away.

We blasted the music and we were taking pictures and posting them on snapchat & Instagram.

I got a snapchat from Cameron I opened it.

It said "you didn't bring me?! Ok.."

I ignored it and showing Taylor.

Matt said ignore it and so did Taylor .

We got to Shawn's house .

It was hugeeeeeee!!!

Shawn came outside and hugging me first .

He had 2 inground pools ; one with a long water slide and basket ball net and a hot tub around it and the other one was a big one just to swim in.

"Can I live with you?" I said to Shawn.

"I won't mind " he said and winked ;)

After we settled in we got in our bathing suits and jumped into the pool .

I was about to say something to Shawn. When ....

Carter and Nash coming running out the door .

"NASH!" i yelled running to hug him.

"Heyyy bestie !" he said .

Me and Nash were such good friends , I loved him .

Carter and Nash came into the pool and we were having a blast.

Cameron's POV

I can't stand that the girl I like is playing around with those boys .

There all players anyway .
I have an idea..

I'm going to drive up there and just show up

Then they will learn...

Ambers POV

we were just swimming when I hear the gate opening ..

Surprised that I did cause it was so noisy .

Cameron came running through the gate..

I said under my breath but everyone heard me.

They turned around seeing Cameron .

"Did anyone invite him?"shawn asked.

Everyone said no.

"no one invited me ." Cameron said mad.
"I'm not going to let amber sitting around here with you players ," Cameron said.

"Players ?" Taylor said.

Taylor got up and pushed Cameron's shoulder a little bit.

"How about you get away from my girlfriend ." Taylor said getting closer to him.

"No I won't stop." Cameron said pushing Taylor off and coming to me.

He pushed me to the wall starting to kiss me .

I liked his lips but I was trying to push him off.

He wouldn't let go...
Then suddenly Cameron fell to the floor .

I looked over to seeing Taylor's fist out.

"Why would you do that?!" I said to Taylor starting to cry.

Cameron stood up though .

"You wanna mess with me ?!" Cameron said to Taylor and they started a fight .

"Yo get off eachother !!!" All the boys said trying to separate them .

I tried to help them when.. Boom I blacked Out ,a fist hit my face hard .

The last thing I heard was ..


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