Yay school (not)

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Ambers POV

Meghan and matt walked up to my house then we walked to Taylor's .

"I'm nervous ," i said .

"Don't be you will be great ." Matt and Meghan said .

"Thanks guys ," and I hugged them.

We got to Taylor's .

"You ready?" Taylor asked me .

"I guess ."

"You will be great ," he said and hugged me .

We got on the bus then got to school.

When we walked in it was like a palace everything was so fancy and clean.

" Look we got a new girl," someone said and I turned around .

It was 3 girls , 2 in the back and the main *bitch* in front .

"What's your name ?" She asked .


But she cut me off , "wait I don't need to know ill just call you slut."

What did you just call me bitch?

"Bitch?, watch it slut." She said.

"I'm not scared of you whore ."

Goodbye ! I said walking away.

"Bitch," I said under my breath.

"Hii." I heard and I turned around to 3 girls .

"Hey are you new ?" They asked .

"Yeah." I said .

Meghan introduced me to them .

"Amber, this is hailey , Sara ,and Jenna .

"Hi," I said .

They grabbed my arm and we all walked to class.

*skipped all the other classes and stuff*

It was lunch ..
Taylor came hugging me and he said ," how was all the classes?"

Great I said hugging him back.

He walked away to go sit.
"Omg do you go out with Taylor ?!"
They all said screaming .

"Not exactly ," I said .

"You guys would be totes adorbes." They said .

"Ahahah thanksss ," I said laughing .

Suddenly our trays went flying in the air .

What happened ?!?!?!????!!

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