Will you..

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Ambers POV

I looked up to a helicopter saying ..

Will you marry me?

I put my hands over my mouth.

Then looked at Taylor and saw him on one knee with a ring in his hand .
"Well will you?" He said.

I paused then said.." Omg yes !"

He put the ring on my finger and kissed me.

I held his face close.

I couldn't believe it.

~ 3 years later ~

Ambers POV

so me and Taylor are married and we have 2 kids.

A boy and girl.

Our boy Tyler is in 7th grade and our girl Paige is in 6th.

We had 2 dogs and were so happy.

I woke up at 6:15 woke up the kids at 6:45 for school.

I drove them and said see you guys later love yous!

Bye mom! My kids said.

Magcon ended years later because everyone was married and had kids.

Taylor became a coach of a professional football team and I am a nurse.

Authors note ~ hi guys thanks so much for 300 reads! I'm ending the book tonight , thanks so much for reading! In starting another book tonight too ! I'm doing two more chapters of this book!

Love yous 😚

~ sophia 😘

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