Cam cam talk

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Ambers POV

it was the same story .. Me Meghan and matt walked up to Taylor's we walked to the bus then got to school.

"Hey bitch did you get any messages yesterday ?"
I turned around it was the dum slut marissa again .

I looked confused but then remembered the unknown number that must of been her.

I ignored her and walked away.

"Hey I was talking you you," I heard her say but I kept walking .

*skips the rest of the day*

Hailey asked me and the girls if we wanted to go to the mall and stuff .

I said sure .

I got ready put make up on and heard a beep outside .

When I was walking outside it saw Cameron .
"Hey ," he said .

Omg shit , I forgot I told Cameron we would hang out today .

"Aw Cameron I'm sorry I forgot, come over at 9 tonight ."

"It's fine ok see you later ."

"Bye Cameron ."

"Get in loser were going shopping ." Sara said .

I couldn't help but laugh ," hey did you get that from mean girls ?" I said .

"Hahah yeah ," Sara said laughing .
I was so glad I met these people .

I love them , I really do.

When Sara dropped me off .

I got my keys , as soon as I was going to open the door Cameron walked over .
"Hey you can come in." I said .

We walked in and sat on the couch .

"Movie ?" I asked him .

"Yesssss and I brought the popcorn !" He said and I laughed .

I was about to sit down and my phone went off .

From Taylor :*

Hey bæ, wanna hang out in already walking to your door , should I walk right in?


"Uhhhhh omg ."

"Cameron come here I want to show you something ," I said walking towards the closet .

"Look," i said and pushed him in there and locked the door .

"Heyy!" He said and banged on the door .

"Shh Taylor's coming he can't see you I will get rid of him just shush."

Taylor walked in.

"Oh hey babe ," I said shaking .


He sat down before I could say a word .


He cut me off , "come on let's watch a movie ."

"Uh ok."

Shit what am I going to do?!?!?

There was a noise from the closet .

Crap Cameron must of fell.

"What was that ," Taylor said getting up.

I pushed him back, "prob something fe it's fine ." I said so nervous .

"I'll go check ."
Before I could say anything he was at the door .

He opened it .


A/n thanks guys for almost 30 reads please keep reading ! Hoped you liked this chapter , updating in like 20 mins. I wanna make this good! Please keep reading

Love youusss😘😘💘

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