Nashty text messages

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Ambers POV

my phone went off

From unknown number

Hey bitch, are you still running around with my boy friend ?

Who is this person? And what boy friend ? I don't know.. I just ignored it.

I went outside and sat by my pool .

I was happy about Taylor ..but sad , I miss home . Idk. I was sitting down when my gate opened .

It was Taylor .

"Oh hey ," I said .

"Hi," he said .

"What's up?" I said confused .

" Well I was bored so I came to see you," Taylor said with those dreamy eyes .

"Oh ok haha," I said laughing .

Let's go get Meghan and matt .

"Wait no!" He said .

"Why?" I said really confused.

"I want to spend time with just you , let's take a walk."

"Um ok," I said and we walked out .

As we were walking , he held my hand .

"Listen I need to tell you something amber ."

"What?" I said .

"We haven't known each other for long but I kinda like you and I was wondering if you felt the same way."

When he said that I wanted to pass out .

"Omg yes I feel the same way!" I said so excited .

"We made eye contact and our lips were touching ."

He broke it saying ....... Do you wanna go out with me??..

"Of course !" And I kissed him again💋

We were walking back and we bumped Into Meghan and matt .

"Hey guys we have to tell you guys something ."

"What??!" They both said.

"We are a couple , I asked her ."

"OMG yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!" They screamed .

"I seriously love you guys," I said and pulled them into a group hug .

*skips the rest of the day *

It was 9:oo pm.

Tomorrow was Friday .

May was almost over then school would end .
Summer would come.


I fell asleep getting another text message .

From cameron(:
Hey, I heard about you and Taylor congrats . Can we meet up Tom after school ?

To Cameron (:

Thanks ! And ok sure come to my house at 4.

I wanted to tell Cameron something .

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