Its on..

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Ambers POV

I woke up and Aaron , Cameron , Hayes , and jc were standing there.

Laughing .

I looked into the mirror with whip cream on my face .

"SMACK CAM!" Cameron said.

"Why would u do that?!" Matt and Taylor said coming in.

"Sorry ," Cameron said to us.

It's fine .. I said and pushed them all out of our room.

"Are you ready?!" Taylor screamed.

"No I have to get ready," I laughed and pushed him out of the room.

I got a shower and put a pink muscle tank on with black leggings and mint vans.

I straightened my hair and it was to my waist.

Me and Meghan walked out of our rooms into the hallway.

Taylor , matt and everyone else came out.

We all walked down.

There was A LOT of crazy
Girls screaming.

We were about to walk and I hear..

"Hey guys!" It was the guy who runs magcon I guess haha.

"Listen , we were talking to the fans and they want amber and Meghan to be a part of magcon with us today.

"OMG!" Me and Meghan said so happy.

"That's great!" Taylor said.

They lined me and Meghan next to eachother .

They started having the fans come in.

I took a picture with the first person.

She was so happy I smiled to everyone hello and goodbye .

After we were done I took a picture with all the boys even Cameron surprisingly .. Haha.

We were tired but we still had many events to do.

We all went up on the stage and Taylor started singing buckwild.

The crowd joined in.

Taylor was singing when..

A crazy fan jumps on the stage and attacks Taylor .

"SECURITY !" I yelled trying to get the girl off .

Security came over and got the girl off.

They stopped the music and went on the microphone .

"Attention there is no climbing onto the stage , if you do we will ask you to leave the building ," the people said sorta angry.

We went back to singing and dancing.

It was so much fun !

When it was over we all went out to dinner.

Sorry this chapter was okay updating later if I can but happy Easter and hope u have a good one!

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