Hey boy hey

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Ambers POV
I started to get ready

When I was putting on my outfit I was thinking we were going to the beach soo..

Ootd- strapless pink and black bathing suit on , on top of that , pink muscle tank and black leggings . With flip flops ✌️🌊👙👡

I put my hair in a long braid down my back .

The doorbell rang , it was Taylor.

We hopped into the car and there was sitting Meghan and matt .

"Heyyy!" Me and Meghan both said .

When we got to the beach I ran and jumped right into the sand .

I felt a hand touch mine , I looked up it was Taylor .

I got up and started pulling him towards the waves .

"Come on , go in"

"I don't know " he said
What are you scared ?
I'm not sca-
I cut him off and pushed him right in😂

"Hahahahah" we both laughed

I reached out my hand and he pulled me and I fell into the waves .

We were splashing around 🌊

Then It was cold😁

We got out and Taylor put a towel around me .

There it was again his lips coming to mine but this time I didnt back away .

We kissed we really did .

I heard a Camera and Meghan was taking a picture

Omg hahah we all laughed.

"Wanna go to my house and watch a movie " Taylor suggested , suree.

We got back to Taylor's house .

I went into the bathroom and took the bathing suit off then just threw on my other clothes .
I opened the door .

"Hey!" Meghan screamed

"Omg you scared me " I nearly screamed

"Listen I think you and Taylor would be so cute "
Before she could say anything else, I said , maybe one day but now is too soon
It will take time it's the end of May and I barley are going to be in school for a little .

But anyways you and matt are so cute

Aww thanks she said .

We didn't realize how long we were chatting for when I hear

"You guys ready?"

"Sorry yeah coming "

We all sat down when the door bell rang .

Who was it ??

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