Mr steal your boy

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Ambers POV

after dinner I see a girl walking towards us.

"Hey you must be Megan and amber," she said.

"Yeah ..." Me and Meghan said.

"I'm Emily and you guys are so pretty ," she said.

"Aw thanks !" We said and Taylor and matt came.

"Hey boys .." She said and hugged both of them .

Taylor and matt looked at us confused.

We shrugged our shoulders cause we were confused too.

"Why don't u guys come with me.." She said and pulled them to the elevator .

I started to run towards them but I stopped cause I trusted Taylor and matt.

I heard the elevator open and I ran out to the hall.

Meghan followed behind me.

They were laughing ..

"What's going on here ." I said pulling Taylor away.

"See you tomorrow ?" She asked ignoring me.

"-" I cut Taylor off before he could say a word.

"Nope he won't !" I said.

She gave me a dirty look .
I pushed her into the elevator and said

"Adios amego!"

That was close .. She almost stole you!
I said to Taylor.

He was so stupid .
Lol jk , not.

"Go to sleep babe we have one more day left then we go to New York!"
I ignored him walking back to my room.

I got a shower and went to bed ..

I woke up to 100 people standing in my room and someone tied up.....

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