Old friend ..

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Ambers POV

I turned around to..

Andrew !

An old friend of mine back in Philly

"Omg hey," he said .

"Hi how are you?" I said turning around

"Good how about you," he said going for a hug.

"Good ," I said hugging him.

We walked to the park , the one we went to everyday.

"I have a boyfriend ." I said to him.

"Oh that's cool," he said putting his head down.

It was the end of the 2 weeks and I was heading back to California .

I got to my house and Taylor ,Meghan and matt were already standing there.

When I got out they ran over and hugged me .

"I missed you" Taylor said hugging me.

" I missed you more," I said kissing him.

It was Friday night and Taylor's friends asked us to go to a party .

We got to the party and Matthew pulled me to the side and said .

"Watch people drink here , don't be one of them ."

"Ok ," I said .

"Hey baby you looking sexy." Taylor said but not himself ......

He fell over and I screamed and ran to him.

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