Fun day with the boys

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Ambers POV

Me and Meghan walked out to the hallway to a bunch of screaming .

A door was opened and we walked In.

Taylor , Cameron , matt, and Shawn were in there .

Shawn was sleeping and Cameron was holding his phone videoing on vine.

Matt ran over to Shawn's bed and smacked him with whipped cream .

Shawn woke up.

Matt ran over cracking up behind Taylor .

"He's so innocent though," I said and everyone stopped laughing .

They looked over looking at me.

"Oh we didn't even know you guys were in here ," Taylor said .

Me and Meghan laughed and walked out the door .

Taylor ran after us behind me.

Want to watch a movie at the pool tonight ? Taylor asked me.

Sure ! I said giving him a hug then walking away .

I was walking when I hear .

"There's the slut that's going out with my bae Taylor ," me and Meghan turned around ...

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