The call..

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Ambers POV

I was talking to the hospital and they said ..

"Taylor has woke up but he isn't himself, he needs to rest ," they said and I was so happy.

I walked outside to see Taylor's mom going In her car.

"Hi Mrs. Caniff." I said to her .

"Oh hi sweet did you get the call I'm in my way to pick him up," she said .

"Yeah I did," I said .

"Well do you want to come with me ?" She said and I hopped In the car.

On the way there we were both nervous .

We got to the hospital and ran to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Taylor caniff ." Taylor's mom said to the lady .

"Ok let me call the nurse to bring him out ." She said .

We waited ..until we saw Taylor coming out in a wheel chair .

"Hi Taylor ," I said hugging him.

He got stood up out of the wheel chair hugging me.

Then he hugged his mom .

We walked out of the hospital and into the car.

He put his head on my shoulder .

"I'm tired ," he said .

"Just go home and relax ." His mom said .

We got to his house and went in.

He laid down and I last next to him .

"I'm so sorry," he said to me starting to cry.
"It's fine , it was a mistake ." I said to him tearing up.

"I'll never do it again and I don't want you to either ." He said .

"I won't ," i said and hugged him.

My phone went off.

From matt😎
Hey, how's Taylor ? May me ad Meghan stop by ?

To matt😎
He's good but tired and yes you guys may.

I brought out strawberries and kiwi for Taylor to eat .

"Here you need to eat something healthy ." I put the tray on the table .
There was a knock on the door .

Meghan and matt walked in

But someone was behind them ...

Who was it ?

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