House dayy..

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Ambers POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing.

All of them were from Taylor .

Saying , "WAKE UP LETS GO" i got ready and ran to his house .

"Hi babe you ready?" He said.
"Yup," I said and we went to his car.

He drove up to the house and it was only 5 mins away.

"It's beautiful! I said.

"It's great for a family ," Taylor said.

I looked at him confused but just ran out of the car.

"Sorry I didn't mean to say that," he said.

"It's fine , I kinda agree ," I said winking at him.

Honestly one day I wanted to have a family with him.

The Realtor pulled up.

He got out and greeted us.

We walked Into the house .

Everything was brand new and it was so big!

After we were done Taylor was talking to the guy.

"So when would this be ready ?" Taylor asked him.

"It's ready any day you want ," he said.

"We'll take it!" I said.
"Can we start moving In today?" I asked.

"Yes !" He said.

Taylor went into the house with the guy .

He signed papers and we gave him the money .

We drove to our houses packing up our things .

"I can't believe my little girl is moving away!" My mom said.

I hugged her and said , "I'll always be your little girl and you can come over every day!"

We put our stuff on the moving truck and drove to the house.

We started putting things in places .

~ 6 hours later ~

We were finally done and sat down.

"We actually did it!" Taylor said.

" Yes we did!" I said and kissed him.

"Come with me !" Taylor said pulling me out of the house.

He said get into the car .

We drove and then got to the beach.

He pulled me over and said..

"Look up,"

I looked up and my face dropped .


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