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Ambers POV
I was so excited , I was so happy , I ran to my house

I went to my mom and said ," mom Taylor invited me to go to magcon with him I'll be away for 2 weeks." I said upset cause I wouldn't be with my mom for a while.

"Ok honey that's fine I'm just going to miss you," she said.

"I'll miss you too" I said.

I woke up and it was 7 am.

I ran out the door running up to matt and Meghan.

"BOOOOOO!" I said and they both screamed .

"Amber it's too early for this!" Meghan Said.

I ran up to Taylor hugging him.

" Are your ready ?" He asked.
"Yess !" I said excited !

We hoped into the car and left for the airport .

We got to the airport and went through security .

We got on the plane.

Our seats were all separated .

But guess who was seated next to me!

I was so happy !

This should be fun!

Authors note- sorry it's short but I'll try to update tonight again!

~ sophia 😘

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