Dont go into the closet!

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Ambers POV

OMG Taylor opened the door ..

But no one was in there .

What?! .

"Yeah I guess something fell ." He said and I was so relieved .

"Listen I'm really tired , want to hang tomorrow and u can stay over Tom night."

"Ok sure ," he said and gave me a soft kiss.

"I love you ," he said .
"I love you more ," I said and hugged him for almost 2 minutes .

He left .

I opened the closet door .

Cameron came out .

"How did you do that ?"

Well I hid behind black jackets and I guess he just didn't see me.

"Oh ok , hahahah"

Want to hang another time , I'm really tired .

"Ok," he said and walked out of the door .

I went up to my room and got under the covers .

"Night mom." I said to my mom .

"Night amber ," my mom yelled back.

"What's for breakfast tomorrow ," I said and laughed .

" I don't know look at the menu ."

I laughed then fell asleep .

I got a text and it said goodnight babe ily and had fun tonight kinda hahah.

Who was it from Cameron or Taylor ? It could be either ...........

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