Sunday funday

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Taylor's POV

I enjoyed last night .. It was just me and amber .

It felt good to be alone .

I loved her.

I was up and she was still sleeping .

I started making breakfast .

Ambers POV

I woke up to the smell of something delicious .

I walked down stairs .

"Hey there chief," I said seeing Taylor cooking all these foods .

"Hey there beatiful ," he said and I blushed .

I gave him a soft kiss and hug.

We ate at the table .

When we were done we were In silence .

"What's the deal for the day ," I said.

"I promised I would hang out with Cameron," he said and I walked away.

He ran after me.

"Hun, are you mad ?" He said and I started grabbing my stuff .

"Oh um no !" I said lying.

"That's fine , perfectly fine !" I said and started for the door .

He leaned in to kiss me but I pulled away .

I went out the door to my house.

I walked in seeing my mom.
"Hey mom," I said.

"Hey how was Taylor's ?"
Good , I'm going to lay down for a little ok?

"Ok ," my mom said .

I was tired , really tired .

I got a text .

From matt 😎

Hey amber , wanna meet up today ? With me you and Meghan .

To matt😎

Yes , come to my house .

"Honey I'm going out for a little be back later ," my mom said .

"Okk," i said and she left .

Matt and Meghan came running in.

"Wheres Taylor ?" Meghan asked.

"He's with cam," I said looking down.

They knew , they knew I was mad and sad about it .

We just sat on the couch watching tv.

It was 8:00 pm, Meghan and matt headed out .

I went
Up to bed and got my pajamas on.

I layed in bed closing my eyes .

I opened them again realizing tomorrow's Monday . I only had school on Monday then Easter break .

We had two weeks ! I was so excited .

I woke up to the sound of my alarm , got up , got dressed , just braided my hair down my back .

Simple and fast .

I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth.

I headed to Taylor's house when I heard Meghan and matt come behind me .

"Hey ," they said and I took out my phone .

I took a picture of us and posted it k. Instagram .

Caption: Mondays 😭😒

We walked to Taylor's and I gave him a stare.

We got on the bus and got to school .

Hailey , Sara , and Jenna walked up to us .

School was over and i was heading to the bus .

We got home .

My mom comes over to me .

"Honey I have good news !" My mom said almost screaming .

She started talking .

"Were going to Philly for Easter break ."

"OMG YAYY," I yelled but then stopped .

"Wait but what about Meghan matt and Taylor .

"It's only 2 weeks you will see them when u get back ."

"Ok I'll be right back mom," I said walking out the door .

"Taylor ," I yelled running down the street .

" Listen I'm going to be gone for Easter break, I'm going to Philly ."

"Oh, well that's cool," he said so depressed .

It was the next day , I was leaving for the airport .

I hugged each and one of my best friends .

Meghan matt and Taylor .

Taylor cried , I started to.

"It's only 2 weeks ! " I said , "it's not forever !" I said giving them one more hug then kissing Taylor .

I got Into the car and we drove off .

I got to Philly and right when I got to my grandparents house I heard a persons voice .

I turned around to...

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