Shes mad.

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Ambers POV

I woke up..

All I remember is getting knocked out then waking up in the hospital.

Shawn walked in.

"Hey , how you feeling ?" He asked.

"A little better , but tired," I said

"Relax and watch tv." He said .

I held out my arms , I could really use a hug right now.

He came over giving me a hug .

I didn't let go .
I felt safe in his arms.
But I didnt like like Shawn he was my friend .
Taylor is always my love.

I let go .
Taylor came in.

"Hey amber ," he said and laid next to me.

"Hey babes ," I said.

We laid down all day with the boys watching tv.

It was only Thursday we left tomorrow but I really didnt want to leave .

It's was 7 pm. Shawn asked me if I wanted to go for a swim.

"Why not ," I said and went to change.

We got in , I sat on a float . We were talking about random things when he said ...

"Maybe one day you can come along to magcon with us," he said.

"That's my dream ," I Said.

He smiled and I smiled back.

"What are you guys doing?" Taylor said coming outside .

"Nothing much just swimming," I said .

"I'm coming," Taylor said and everyone came running out jumping in.

I got splashed and fell off the float .
"Well it was relaxing ," I said mad getting out of the pool.

"Where are you going ?" Taylor asked.

"I'm done ," I said not looking at him.

It was time to go to sleep.

I walked to Shawn giving him a hug saying , "thanks for everything ,"

He hugged me for so long saying ," your so welcome ."

I went to bed .

I woke up to someone touching me.

Taylor was laying next to me .

"Oh good morning babe ," I said .

" Good morning Hun, we have to pack up our stuff ." He said.

We packed up and was saying bye to everyone.

"Bye Shawn thanks again," I said hugging him .

"Wait! What's your number?" He asked .

I laughed giving him it.

I put his contact in.

Shawn 😋

We left .

Driving home was quiet .

We got back .
I realized I needed a little break I wanted to stay away from Taylor for a little ..

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