Takes the phone.

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Ambers POV
we left the party and it was really awkward because me and Taylor didnt talk the whole time .

Taylor fell asleep immediately .

I was scrolling through twitter when I found a picture Taylor was tagged in.

It was him and a girl making out which seemed it looked at the party .

"Omg ," I say and threw my phone.
I picked up my phone and smacked Taylor

He woke up saying ," wtf babe ,"

"Babe ?, yeah what is this?!" I say putting the picture in his face .

"I can explain !" He said.

"Explain ? Were done !" I said grabbing my stuff and running out the door.

Taylor came running after me but I locked the door .

I fell down sitting against the door.

Taylor was sitting on the other side.

"Amber I'm sorry I wasn't thinking ." He said.

"How could you, I trusted you!" I said hitting the door.

I got up and ran to my room.

I sat there in tears.

I finally fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning.
I decided to go for a walk.

I was going with Meghan .

We were walking then passing Taylor's house .

He came running for me.

"Amber I don't like that girl, I messed up I don't love anyone but you and always you," he said.

I turned around .

"You broke my heart ," I said and turned back around and started walking.

I heard Taylor crying but I kept walking .

When we came back from the walk I sat in my room.

I heard a guitar and someone singing in my yard. I went to my yard and saw Taylor sitting there .

He wrote a song to forgive him .

When he was done I went up to him.

"Taylor I can't take this , I can't keep getting played , I love you and you have one more chance ," I said .

"Thank you babe I love you I don't know what I would do without you," he said and I softly kissed him.

His phone rang and it broke the kiss.

It was Shawn .

He said ," yo dude we have another magcon, magcon New Jersey!!!!"

Taylor said ," we do? Great !!!!" He said then walked away and whispered something .

He got off the phone and walked to me and said .

"Look amber um..."

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