Tied and stuck.

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Ambers POV
I woke up to Taylor tied up and tape over his mouth with a lot of girls In my room.

"Look who woke up!" Some girl said.

I looked over to Meghan and she was scared.

I ran over to Taylor.

"BACK UP!" I screamed to everyone .

Everyone backed up except one girl .

" I said back up," I said and pushed her back.

Meghan called security .

As I was untying the ropes off of him security barged in.

"EVERYONE OUT RIGHT NOW" security said leading them out the door .

One guy came to help me free Taylor and the other one checked the room to see if anyone was hiding .

We untied him .

Security left and I pulled Taylor to the bed hugging him in my arms .

He was so scared and I felt so bad.

"What happened baby?" I asked hugging him more tight.

"I was sleeping then all I hear is loud voices someone came behind me covered my eyes and carried me to a room, they tied me up in ur room and put tape on my mouth ." He said and I got scared .

"It's going to be ok security is blocking everything now go get ready for today ," I said kissing him .

I led him out the door and started to get ready.

We went down met everybody took pictures the same stuff.

We got ready to leave for New York.

~ skips how they got there and stuff ~

We went Into the hotel and settled in our rooms.

We went down and did the same stuff.

~skips rest of magcon things ~

Sorry ^^^😂

We all decided to go explore New York .

We went shopping and saw some amazing things .

We took pictures then got some lunch.

"I lone you amber ," Taylor said hugging me.

"I love you too!" I said kissing him.

Finally it was time to leave New York back to California .

When we landed off the plane we got Into a limo and it took us back to our houses.

Taylor said ," I'll call you later babe."

I smiled saying ,"ok."
I walked in and my mom ran after me.

"I missed you so much!" She said hugging me.

"I missed you too!!!!" I said.

Me and my mom spent most of the day together because I missed her so much.

Taylor Meghan and matt spent time with their families too.

I went to bed getting a goodnight text from..

Authors note- hey hope you guys had a good Easter , since I have a lot of chapters I'm going to skip her last year of high school so shes done with high school and shes going to college after summer .. Haha what do you guys think going to happen in the future? Hmm 😂

My two chapters coming up are going to skip summer going into the future years ! Stay tuned . Love yous thanks for almost 180 reads!

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