Drunk as a skunk

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Ambers POV

I heard the ambulance coming and they rushed through the door .

They put him into the truck and drove fast to the hospital .

"Cameron , come on get your keys !!!" I screamed to him.

Me Cameron Meghan and matt rushed into the car.

I was crying so loud.

Meghan and matt hugged me saying it's going to be ok.

We got to the hospital .

I ran right in and to the front desk.

"What room Is Taylor caniff in?!" I said loud to the lady.

"108" she said and I ran to it.

"Taylor ?!" I said but he wasn't awake.

I fell to the ground .

In tears . "Is he going to be okay?!" I said crying to the nurse .

"He is in a coma and we don't know when he is going to wake up."

"NOOO!" I said still on the ground .

"Taylor you need to wake up, i need you !" I said holding his face .

"So can you tell me what happened ." The nurse asked .

"I guess he drank to much beer." I said then started crying again .

As soon as the nurse could start talking Taylor's parents barged into the room .

"What happened?!, is he okay?!" Taylor's mom said running over to Taylor .

"Well he was at the party and he drank to much and now he is in a a a a a ccoomma." I said stuttering because I was starting to cry again.

"No no," his mom said crying .

" Were going to have to keep him over night ." The nurse said .

"Okay," I said through tears.

Me and Taylor's parents walked out and I walked crying telling Cameron Meghan and matt what happened.

"He's in a coma," I said and we all just cried .

I got home I went to bed .
I woke up and ..

I got a call from the hospital..

They said....

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