Call 911!

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Cameron's POV

OH NO AMBER ! I screamed realizing she was passed out on the ground .

The ambulance came.

They put her in the car and drove away.

Taylor's POV

"Meghan ! Matt ! Shawn & carter get In my car!!!" I screamed .

" Cameron let's go in your car !" Nash said to Cameron.

I drove fast to the hospital running in .

"Excuse me what room I amber DeSantis in?!" I asked in a hurry.

"204, but nobody is aloud in right now , so just wait outside until they say you can go in."

We all ran to that room.

When we were waiting I was shaking.

The nurse came out .

"We need 3 most closest people to her to come in."

Cameron stood up but I pushed him down.

Me matt and Meghan got up.

We went in.
She was laying there half awake .

"Hey girl how you feeling ?" I said.

"Okay," she said.

"We are going to get her up and you guys can take her home ." The nurse said .

"Okay," I Said.

We walked outside to wait for her.

She came out standing but had a bump on her forehead .

I held her taking her to the car.

Carter went with Nash and Cameron.

Matt sat in the front with me and amber Shawn and Meghan sat in the back.

We got back to the house .

I pushed Cameron out of the door and in his car.

"But-" he said and I ignored him.

We laid amber on the couch .

We all surrounded her .

"I'm so sorry amber ," I said.

"You punched me ?" She asked .

"No it was Cameron." Carter said.


She fell asleep .

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