Books and pencils

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Ambers POV

my phone went off .

From Taylor (:

Hi, I just wanted to tell you something , want to meet up at my House at 7 tomorrow for school ?

To Taylor (:

Of course ! Meghan and matt will walk up too! Thank you Taylor for everything .

From Taylor (:

It's no problem (;

I went back to sleep , I woke up around 11 .

I was ready for school tomorrow so I didnt have to do anything .

I just went Into my basement and put the tv on.

I put a blanket on me and was so relaxed .

To Meghan my girl 😘

Heyy, wanna come over ? I'm just watching movies .

From Meghan my girl 😘
Sureee! Be right over .

To Meghan my girl 😘

Kk, just walk right in and come to the basement .

I saw Meghan coming down the steps .

Hi I said and she sat down .

We just watched a movie it ended at 12:30 .
"Let's invite matt and Taylor over ."
I said suggesting .

Okk , ill text matt Meghan said .

To Taylor (:

Wanna come over ? Matts coming and Meghan's here .

From Taylor (:

Sure , be right over ;)

Taylor and matt came coming down the steps .

Taylor soft kissed me on the cheek and hugged me .

God I love him💘

It was 8:00 Meghan and matt left together .

Taylor hugged me , but didnt kiss .

Is that bad ? Oh know.

I just went to bed .

"Beep beep " my alarm went off .

Well it was time to get ready .

Cliffhanger , sorry guys updating tomorrow I'm tired and have school Tom ugh😭😂✌️

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