Giancarlo Stanton-Maimi Marlins

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Sorry this took so long! Hope you enjoy it!

Ellie's P.O.V.-

"So, when are we going to get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" One of my teammates asked as we got changed for our game.

I smiled to myself. "When he has time to meet you guys. He's busy a lot." I said, glancing at them. Little did they know why he never comes to the games.

"If he's so busy, then how does he make time for you?" One asked more out of curiosity than trying to hurt my feelings. "That sounded bad." She soon mumbled.

I rolled my eyes at her and fixed my jersey. "I don't know, but what I do know is that I enjoy every moment that he carves out for me."

As if them not asking questions about my boyfriend, he decides to text me and knowing how smart I am, I left my volume on and the minute they heard my phone go off, they knew it was him texting me. He's the only person who texts me before a game.

From: G 😘
Good luck today babe! I know you can do it. Hit a homer in for me?

I smiled and shot him a text back, only after turning my volume off.

To: G 😘
I'm going to need all the luck I can get. And I'll only hit you a homer if you give me a picture.

After I sent that, my phone didn't go off for a while and I just shook my head. He probably got dragged off to practice or something.

From: G 😘
You mean like this?

From: G 😘You mean like this?

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{Ignore the #SpringTraining}

I smiled at the photo he sent. He will be the death of me.

To: G 😘
No. I meant a picture of my puppy, but I guess you'll have to do.

From: G😘
You're cruel, you know that?

To: G 😘
Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Gotta go. Talk to you later!

I locked my phone and put it in my locker. I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed all my stuff before heading to the dugout.

Maybe I should tell you about myself. My name is Ellie and I'm currently a senior in college at the University of Florida. I play girls softball and I have a game today. My boyfriend is Giancarlo Stanton, but we haven't been dating for too long. He's never had the chance to come to one of my games, but I understand why. He's a professional baseball player, so he's always busy. No one really knows we're dating, and I'm okay with that. I'd rather keep in on the down low for now. But back to my game. I play short stop and bat 4th, which is pretty cool.

I walked into the dugout and put all my stuff where it belongs before going out onto the field and doing my warm up routine, which is mostly stretching and playing some catch with our third baseman and taking a little BP in the outfield, only because our pitcher likes to warm up with an actual batter.

Once the warm up was done, we had our announcements, which includes when our next game is, special announcements, thank you'd to everyone who donates and comes to the games, etc. etc. You get the point. They like to drag on and on, but when they finally finish the announcements, we do the anthem and then they finally announce who's playing what position and all that fun stuff.

~After the game~

We won 4-0, all thanks to the grand slam I hit today. I was over whelmed that I didn't even realise I hit it until all my teammates were screaming. I honestly didn't expect to hit that today and the best part, it was in the last inning. Bottom of the 7th, I hit a grand slam, winning the game. I honestly can't believe it.

But what makes everything even better, is that after I reached home plate, and my teammates were done surrounding me and pouring the Gatorade on me, a certain someone was standing by the dugout. Once I had separated myself from the girls, I noticed him leaning against the railing of our dugout looking pretty damn hot, if I do have to say so myself.

The minute my eyes landed on him, I ran over to him and jumped into his arms

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The minute my eyes landed on him, I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. He laughed, but caught me. I smiled and moved enough to see his face.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" I asked him.

"You always say that if you knew I was coming, you would play horrible and I didn't want that, so I just decided not to tell you. And I also wanted to see you play, so this was the best option." He explained, pecking my lips. "And, you did really good today."


He smiled at me. "Why don't you go get changed and then we can go for something to eat?"

"Sounds like a plan." I pecked his lips one last time before going and getting all my stuff together. I headed down to the locker room and started changing into my clothes.

"Why didn't you tell us you were dating Giancarlo Stanton?" One of my teammates asked.

"We just started dating a little over a month ago. We haven't even told anyone about it yet. Okay?" I said, turning and facing them.

"Okay. But next time we have a full practice, we expect him to be here." They said, joking with me.

I rolled my eyes at them and finished getting changed into my other clothes. I pulled my hair out of its pony tail and then did a quick brush through before putting everything back in my duffel bag.

"I'll see you guys later." I shouted as I ran out of the locker room to find Giancarlo.

I found him leaning by my car. I immediately went over to my car and threw my bag in the back seat.

"Where do you want to go to eat?" I asked, moving and standing in front of him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me a little closer to him. "I don't care as long as I'm with you."

I couldn't help but smile at his answer. Meeting Giancarlo has probably been the best thing in my life. And it would only get better from here.

Word Count


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