Dansby Swanson-AtlantaBraves

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Eryca's P.O.V.-

"It's a beautiful day to be alive!" My roommate sang, as she danced around our hotel room in her shorts and tank top.

I rolled my eyes at her and went back to my books. My friends had decided to plan a trip the weekend before finals. At least, my finals. They've all already graduated and I only have these last two finals before can graduate myself.

"Eryca, will you please act like you're excited about today?" Olivia asked me, as she jumped onto my bed. "We're in Atlanta AND we're going to a Braves game today? How are you not excited? You love baseball!"

I sighed and looked from my book to her. "First of all, I have finals on Monday and you decided to drag me out here for a baseball game. Second of all, despite my love for baseball, graduating is much more important to me."

"But it's Atlanta! You've always loved it here, which is why we all agreed to come here and not California or New York."

"I didn't ask to come. Don't get me wrong Liv, I'm happy you guys thought of me, but I have finals."

"Okay. I'll leave you to your studying." She got up and left the room.

I sighed and went back to my books. Eventually we would leave for the game, thankfully it's at 1:15, so it's not too bad. I'm totally bringing my books though. I can't afford to waste much time not studying. If I do, I will be failing these finals.

~1:15 P.M.~

"I love baseball!" Jackie said, as we walked up to the gate. Everyone was so excited, except me. To be honest, I had a reason besides finals.

A long time ago, back when I was in high school, my best friend was on the baseball team. We were so close and we did absolutely everything together and then one day, we had a falling out. It was so unexpected and to this day I still don't know how or why it happened, but it did. And the worst part, it was the day before graduation day. I never told anyone about what happened and hopefully I won't ever have too.

"Which team are we rooting for again?" Mika asked.

"Atlanta." I said, not looking up from my book.

"Cool. Hopefully these guys have some cute ass players." She commented.

"That's not why these guys play baseball. They play for the love of the game. Not for people to watch them because they're hot." I snapped.

That always gets me. These guys don't play for us to watch them because they're hot! They play because they love the game and that's that.

"Sorry Eryca. I didn't mean to upset you." She said, turning and facing forward.

After we made it through security, we went and found our seats, which were pretty close to the Braves dugout. You could see into it and the best part was, for my friends, that you could see all the players. I didn't care too much, seeing as how I was too busy studying.

Dansby's P.O.V.-

"Hey Dans, could you go grab my glove from the dugout?" Freddie shouted at me from across the room.

"Sure." I responded, turning and going up to get it.

The minute I stepped into the dugout, I froze. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was sitting right there, only a few feet away from me, with her nose buried in a college text book and all alone just sitting there. She looked absolutely stunning, even after all these years.

I grabbed Freddie's glove and ran back down to the clubhouse. I threw it at him and started pacing the room. This was it. She was right here in front of me and all I had to do was talk to her. But what would I say? How would she feel after all these years? Was she still mad at me? Had she gotten over it? Was she here with someone? A boyfriend maybe? Too many questions that needed answered.

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