Christian Arroyo-San Francisco Giants

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I've never written anything like this, so I hope I'm doing it justice and I also hope that you like it!

Christian's P.O.V.-

"Babe! We need to be leaving!" I shouted up to my girlfriend Karina, of several years now, as I stood by the front door.

"Coming!" I heard her shout, as she came bounding down the stairs in her Arroyo jersey. I couldn't help but smile at her as she grabbed her purse and cellphone. She looked up at me. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" She asked.

"I can't help it. You're so beautiful." I said, opening the door for her. "Did you remember to unplug your straightener?" I asked her.

She stopped for a moment and then looked at me. "I don't know."

I smiled at her. "Go to the car and I'll go look. Okay?" She nodded her head and went out to the car.

Here's the thing, my beautiful girlfriend has short term memory and it can be a problem some times, and others, not so much. In this case, not so bad, only because I know how she is and I know what she does and doesn't do. Luckily, she did unplug the straightener, so, again, not bad. She usually remembers and does it on instinct, but other times, it's not that easy. But hey, I love her anyways.

Let me explain a little more. She had a tumour removed when she was 10 and ever since, she's always had trouble remembering things. I don't mind helping her out and being there for her, but she always seems to think she's a burden to me, when she really isn't.

I walked back out to the car, only after locking and shutting the front door. I climbed I tot he car and started it up, only after looking over at Karina.

"Did I unplug it?" She asked, seeming afraid of the answer.

"Yes you did." I answered, pulling out of the driveway. I looked over at her again, and she was just looking out the window. "What're you thinking about?" I asked her.

"Why did you pick me? Why did you pick me to be your girlfriend?" She turned and looked at me.

I sighed and stopped at a red light. "Babe, we've been over this a million times."

"Please remind me why you picked me."

"It was Mila's birthday party and she had invited everyone to come over and celebrate with her, so I went with a bunch of my friends. As I was standing outside, I saw you from across the room laughing at something someone had said and that's what did it for me. That smile of yours, it drew me in and I knew that I wanted you to be my girlfriend." I said, telling her the story. "Now listen to me closely Karina, I love you and if that means that I have to help you out remembering things, then that's what I'll do. If I have to always write everything down or text it to you so you remember, that's what I'll do. It's what I've been doing for the last few years and I don't mind. Not a single day goes by that I regret asking you to be my girlfriend, okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled, looking back out the window.

I knew that this wasn't going to be the last time today she'd bring it up and ask me why. But for now, she was satisfied with her answer.

When we arrived at the stadium, I led her towards the clubhouse to introduce her to some of the guys. She already knew a few of them, but today I was going to introduce her to a few more. Most of the guys already knew her situation, which is why I've been introducing them in stages. That way she has a chance to remember their names and so she wouldn't feel so overwhelmed with meeting everyone at once.

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