Bryce Harper-Washington Nationals (Part One)

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Cameron's P.O.V.-

"What do I have on my schedule today?" I asked walking into my office.

"Well, you have two options. One, is a millionaire who says he has a problem with his employee being disrespectful and he wants something done about it. He's only willing to pay $100,00 every two weeks. Two, is a baseball player with an anger management problem. The club is willing to pay for you to fly out and give you all the meal expenses you wish. Not only that, but they are also willing to pay whatever you request, within reason, of course. But one catch, you'll be living with the player." Lilly explained.

"Who's the player?" I sat down in my chair and turning my computer on.

"Bryce Harper. He plays for the Washington Nationals."

I nodded my head and logged into my computer. "Call the club and let them know that I'll be happy to help them out. Then call the millionaire and let him know that I am unavailable, and that we will send them an email with a list of people who can do just as good of a job as I can." I instructed.

She nodded her head and left the room. I searched up Harper and the first head line that came up was, 'Bryce Harper suspended for three games after punching the umpire on Saturday's day game!'

I read through the article and then watched the video of him punching the ump. I had to admit the punch was pretty good, but that doesn't mean I'm condoning it. I quickly looked at all his information and then Lilly walked back in.

"So, the club wants you there by Friday. They sent your ticket by email. I printed it out for you." She handed it to me and I quickly looked over it.

"I should probably go home and pack then." I shut my computer off and then grabbed my purse. "Files please." I held my hand out and she handed them to me.

"Have a fun time. I'll see you when you get back." She said, giving me a smile. "And pick up a hottie while you're there." She winked at me and I rolled my eyes at her.

"I don't need a boyfriend right now. I have to much to worry about. My job comes first." I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

She sighed. "But you're so lonely. You come to work and then go home, and never go out on a date. You have no life. No offence." She said. "You need to actually meet someone and take the chance."

Maybe she was right. I hadn't had a boyfriend since my college boyfriend broke my heart after four years of dating. As it would turn out, he was cheating the whole time and I had no clue, while every other person did know about it, but no one said a word to me about it. When I did find out about, I was beyond crushed and I never finished my classes at that university. I ended up moving back home and finished my last semester there. Thank heavens that my credits transferred perfectly. Otherwise, I'd still be taking classes.

"Maybe you're right." I sighed. "I'll think about it. No promises." I walked past her and into the lobby of our office space. She followed behind me after shutting my office light and shutting the door.

"I am right. Just make sure they're a good person." She went back to her desk and sat down behind it. "Just make sure they're good enough for Olivia."

"I know. My little girl comes first."

"Yeah she does. That little girl is your whole life. And she needs someone just as much as you."

"I know. I'll think about it." And with that, I went home.

Upon walking into the house, I heard my daughter running through the house and I turned around in just enough time to catch her in my arms. She was laughing and I couldn't help but smile at her laugh. She was little dream come true and I loved her more than anything in the world. She's only three, but she's everything to me.

"Hey baby girl." I greeted, setting her down as I took my shoes off and hung my purse up. I set the files down on the side table by the door, along with my keys before looking back at her.

"Hey sweet pea." My mom greeted me, as she walked into the living room. "How was work?"

"Fine. I have to fly to D.C. in two days for work. The client has anger management issues." I explained, picking Olivia up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head down on my shoulder.

"That's amazing. Who is it?"

"Bryce Harper. He's a baseball player." I walked into the kitchen and set Olivia down on the counter.

"I know who he is. He's becoming super popular."

"You're telling me. This is the biggest challenge I'll have ever faced."

"I know you can do it. You're one of the best in your field."

"Thanks." I sighed and grabbed a bottle of water.

In case you're wondering, it's just my mom, Olivia, and I. My dad died a long time ago and my mom moved in with me to help out with Olivia. And Olivia, she was the boyfriend who cheated on me daughter. I found out I was pregnant with her after I had already left. I told him, but he didn't care and he doesn't help all. Which I'm okay with. That just means he doesn't have any rights to her and I'm okay with that.

"I better go pack." I mumbled. "Olivia, wanna help me pack?" I asked her.

"Yeah!" She said, raising her arms up, signalling me to pick her up, which I did. I carried her upstairs and began packing.


When I arrived in D.C., I was greeted by the team's manager, Dusty Baker. He had a smile plastered on his face.

"Hi. Dusty Baker. You must be Dr. Cameron Johnson." He said, holding out his hand.

"Yes sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said shaking it.

"Let me get that bag for you." He took my bag from me and led me to the front of the airport. "Now, I'm going to take you to Bryce's place, where you'll be staying for your time here, and we'll drop your stuff before going to the field. You'll meet him there tonight."

"Sounds good." I said, getting into the front seat of his vehicle.


When we arrived at the field, I instantly felt a little nervous. I wasn't sure why, but I was. We walked through the underground, only after getting me a pass in order for me to come and go as I please, when we stopped in front of an office. Dusty opened the door and turned the light on for me.

"This is your work station for the time being. It's small, I know, but it's the best we can do right now. And hopefully you won't have to stay for long." He said.

"It's just fine. I've had smaller." I said, setting my bag and purse down on the table.

"Good. I'll give you a few minutes to get settled and then we'll head up to the field to meet the Bryce."


Dusty nodded his head and then walked off. I sat down and inspected the desk, before finally opening the file and doing a quick read through. I sat there for about ten minutes before Dusty came back and we went up to the field. Upon walking up and into the dugout, I saw a whole bunch of guys, just standing around not doing anything. Dusty led me up onto the field and over toward the BP cage. We stood next to it and waited until whoever inside was done. When they finished, they stepped out and I knew who it was. It was Bryce.

"Bryce. Over here." Dusty called. Bryce looked our way and then walked over towards us. He stopped right in front of me. "Bryce, this is Dr. Cameron Johnson." He said, introducing me.

"Hi." I held out my hand for him.

"Hi." He shook it.

"It's nice to meet you Bryce." This was going to be fun.

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