Randal Grichuk- St. Louis Cardinals (Part Two)

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~1 year later~
Bella's P.O.V.-
Grichuk and I have basically been seeing each other for the last year in secret. He insisted that it stay secret at first due to publicity and not knowing where it was going to go, but now, it's just all about keeping it from my brother. And honestly, I'm kind of tired of having to hide our relationship.
I was standing in my kitchen, washing dishes, when Grichuk walked in. He stood in the doorway and finished typing on his phone before he finally said anything to me.
"Hey beautiful."
"Hi." I mumbled, not trying to hide the fact that I was hurt.
"What's wrong?"
I sighed and washed my hands off before finally looking at him. "I'm tired of keeping our relationship hidden. At first I was okay with it because of publicity and all that, but now, I'm tired of it."
"We've talked about this beautiful. We both agreed we didn't want it to all be out in the open."
"But that was at the beginning when we didn't know where this was going. It's been over a year Randal! I think it's safe to say we're a couple!" I argued, getting slightly louder.
"Stop calling me that like it will make everything better. It won't." I snapped.
He sighed in response. "Look, I just don't want to deal with everyone trying to get information on our relationship and trying to say we're only together for the money or something like that."
I rolled my eyes at this answer. "Sure. Like I'm asking for money. I don't want or need your money." I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter. "Is the real reason you don't want to say anything is because I'm not good enough?"
He froze in place and stayed silent. He didn't even look at me and that's when I knew. I knew. That's the whole reason. He didn't think I was worth it. I felt the tears the minute realisation hit me.
"That is, isn't it?" I asked again. "I'm not good enough for you." I whispered.
"Bella..." He began, but I raised my hand up and stopped him.
"No. I realise it now. I understand exactly why you never wanted to admit you were seeing me." I stood up and walked past him and out to the living room. He followed me, trying to talk to me.
"Stop it Grichuk!" I shouted, turning to look at him. I had tears streaming down my face by now. "You never cared about me, did you? I wasn't good enough for you and I'm only now realising it."
"No. Bella..." He tried again to talk, but I still wasn't having it.
"Just leave. Please. Just leave me alone." I whispered, turning and going to my room. This was not the way I wanted to have today go.
I shut my door and locked it, sliding down to the ground and crying. He knocked on my door, trying to get me to answer him, but after a few minutes he gave up and left.
My heart just broke all over again.

~Two days later~
I was sitting on the couch, watching Netflix, well, more like binge watching Netflix, when I heard my phone go off. I looked down at it and it was a message from my brother.
From: Bro
You alive? You haven't called in a few days.
I sighed and decided to text him back and let him know I was still alive.
To: Bro
I'm fine. Just been busy lately.
I locked my phone and then I heard it go off again. Adam had texted me back. I opened the message and quickly read it.
From: Bro
No problem. Just wanted to make sure you were alive. Mom wouldn't be happy if she learned you'd died on my 'watch'. Coming to the game next week?
To: Bro
We'll see. If I'm not busy. Lacey's coming into town, if you remember, and she wants a full tour of St. Louis. So it will be a long day and baseball that late at night might not be a good idea. But we'll see how the day goes.
From: Bro
Okay. If I don't see her before she leaves to go back to North Carolina, tell her I said hi.
To: Bro
I will. Love you. Ttyl.
From: Bro
Love you too. Ttyl.
And thus ended our conversation.

~Next Week~
I had managed to pull myself out of bed for Lacey's visit. I had picked her up at the airport early that morning and she couldn't be more excited to be here, while I couldn't be less excited. Although, the minute she saw me, she knew something was off and after explaining the whole thing to her, she hugged me and we left the subject alone. Until that night when she decided she wanted to go to the game. Of course she did.
I put on my jersey, Grichuk's of course, considering it's the only one I own, and we went off to the game. Adam had gotten us tickets and all that, so we got the good seats and the chance to watch BP.
"This is awesome. And you come all the time?" She commented.
"I try too. But with the whole situation, I haven't come since that day." I explained to her.
"That's right. I forgot about the whole issue."
"But it's still a nice day, and I'd like to enjoy it without having to deal with him at all."
"Right. I'll keep my mouth shut about him. But mr. 55 ain't looking to bad."
"That's Stephen Piscotty. He's also an outfielder." I told her. "And here comes his best friend." I said, super snarky, as Grichuk walked out of the dugout. He spotted me and took a step toward me, but stopped himself and went over to BP.
"Looks like he's pretty torn up." Lacey commented.
"It's on him. He's the one who did this. Not me." I told her. And we left it at that.
~9th Inning~
We were down by one run and we had three runners on base. Grichuk was up to bat, with two outs, and I was holding my breath as he stepped up to the plate and took his stance. The pitcher let the ball go and he fouled it off. Second ball was also a strike, but the other three after were balls and then the 6th ball he fouled off. But the 7th ball was a perfect ball. And by perfect, I mean it was a home run ball. And that's exactly what he did. He hit it out of the park and landed us a grand slam.
I jumped out of my seat and I couldn't contain myself. I was so excited and Lacey seemed pretty excited herself. I was screaming and clapping so loud that I thought I was going to lose my voice.
Once he stepped onto home plate, he was showered with Gatorade and they were ripping his jersey off. I hugged Lacey and continued to clap out of happiness about winning the game and the fact that Grichuk hit a walk off grand slam.
But what made it even better was Grichuk coming through the gate, over to me, and kissing me. In front of everyone. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him and kissed me. I didn't even hesitate to kiss back, or wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him to me. I was so happy that I didn't even care that we had been arguing. Or the fact that he had just kissed me in front of 40,000 fans and that's not counting the people watching on TV.
"I'm sorry." He finally said, pulling away from me. "I shouldn't have expected you to keep it secret forever. And to answer your question, you are more than good enough. You're perfect. Everything I've ever wanted. And everything I need. And don't you ever think you're not good enough. I love you and that's that. I'll do whatever you want me to to prove that I love you and want to be with you. Whatever it takes I'll do it beautiful."
"I don't need anything. You just did what I wanted. You make it public." I smiled at him. "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
He laughed and pecked my lips before responding. "Not at all. That was the easiest thing I've ever done."
I rolled my eyes at him and he just laughed at me. I smiled and that's when I heard my brother shout. "I knew it! I knew it!"
I looked over and saw him smiling and looking at us. I blushed and buried my head into Randal's chest. I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed at Adam's response.
But the truth is, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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