Eric Hosmer-KC Royals

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Kenzie's P.O.V.- 

I sighed for the 700th time today as I sat in the coffee shop trying to get this stuff done. I rubbed my forehead and took another sip of my coffee. I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up to see a guy standing there. 

"Mind if I sit? Every other table is full." He asked. 

"Not at all." I said, motioning to the booth across from me. He gave me a smile and sat down across from me. "Pardon my mess. I'm trying to get this all figured out." I motioned to all the papers and started to pick them up. 

"You're fine beautiful. I don't mind the mess. What exactly are you doing? If you don't mind me asking." He gave me a smile. 

"I'm trying to get all these files organised for my families foundation. My mother never kept anything straight. I couldn't even begin to tell you what went with what. It's so aggravating." 

"That sounds like it." 

I looked up at him. "It is. My names Kenzie Shaw." 

"Eric Hosmer. Pleasure to meet you." He held his hand out across the table and I shook it. 

"Likewise." I took a sip of my coffee and then went back to my paper work. 

We sat there in silence as I worked and he played on his phone, each of us drinking our coffee on occasion. I sighed again and laid my head down on the table. This was my worst nightmare come true. Having to deal with all this nasty paperwork. 

"You sure you're okay?" Eric asked, finally talking again. 

"No. I'm not." I mumbled, finally sitting back up. "This is my worst nightmare. I hate paperwork so much." 

He laughed a little at me. "Then why are you doing this job?" 

"Because..." I whine. "I have to."

He laughed again and shook his head. He went back to his phone and his coffee, as I continued to suffer in silence. Eventually, I finished my coffee, as did Eric. I set the empty mug down on the edge of the table and continued my work. 

"Need more coffee?" Eric asked. 

"No thanks. If I do, I'll get even more addicted to it than I already am." 

He just nodded his head and got up from the booth. "I'll see you around." 


~3 months later~

"Hosmer, put that down or so help me!" I growled, reaching for my phone.

He laughed and continued to hold them it out of reach. "Make me!" He said. 

Eric and I have been hanging out since the day he sat down across from me at the coffee shop. He was currently at my office having lunch with me, which is why he was holding my phone above my head. He's much taller than me, by a lot, and he can easily get away with it. 

"Hosmer, give it to me!" I said, reaching for it again. 

"Nope. You have to make me." He said, smiling at me. 

An idea popped into my head. I stood on my tiptoes and cupped Eric's face, before kissing him. He immediately dropped my phone and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. I complied and kissed him back. When we pulled away, he looked me in the eyes and smiled. We didn't say anything for a solid minute, both unsure of what to say.

"When I said make me, I didn't think you were going to kiss me." He finally said. I blushed and bent my head down. He lifted my chin up and made me look at him. "I didn't say it was bad. I said I wasn't expecting." 

Next thing I knew, he was kissing me again.

~1 year later~

"Eric!" I shouted, running into the apartment. "Eric!" 

He walked into the room, drinking his bottled water. "What?" He asked. 

I jumped into his arms and he caught me. I buried my head into his neck and he just laughed at my actions. I smiled and laughed myself. 

"You're clingy today." He commented. 

"I know." I mumbled. He laughed again and carried me into the living room. He sat down on the couch and I cuddled up in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my body and placed both his hands on my currently flat stomach. 

"How're my babies doing?" He asked. 

"Tired and clingy. Also a little hungry." I answered him. 

"Well, we'll get dinner in an hour. How does pizza sound?" 

"Amazing." He kissed my forehead and we continued to watch TV. 

~2 years later~

"Eric, can you grab the baby bag?" I called through the house. 

"Yeah." He responded, walking down the stairs, holding the bag. "Here you go." He set it on the table and then took our son out of my arms, while I made sure everything was in the bag. Once I was done, I looked over at Eric, who was making himself something to eat. 

"I can take him back now." I said, walking over to him.

"I've got it babe." He responded, glancing over at me. "Just eat your food and get ready to go. We've got to drop this little one off at day care and you have to get to work." 

I nodded my head and ate my breakfast. Eric finished making his and came over to the table and sat down next to me with our son in his lap while he ate. I smiled and couldn't believe I was actually married to this amazing man and already had a son with him. 

Word Count:


Again, not the best.

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