Stephen Piscotty-St. Louis Cardinals

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"Stephen! Where are you?!" Ella yelled excited as she ran into my apartment.
"Living room!" I replied.
The moment she ran in, I saw the diamond ring on her left hand. Her face was filled with nothing but pure excitement and joy. My heart stopped the moment she said this words. Those 3 words crushed my heart and all my hope.
"I'm getting married!"

Stephen's P.O.V.-
'I'm getting married!' Just replayed over and over again in my head as I sat here with her at the bridal shop. That's all I could think. 'I'm getting married!' She's my best friend and I'm so madly in love with her, but here I am, sitting in a bridal shop, as she tries on wedding dresses for her wedding with Ryan. How could I be so stupid?!
"What about this one?" She asked, walking out in the 12th dress she'd tried on.
I looked up at her form my spot on the couch and I knew it was too much right away, but by the look on her face, she seemed like she actually liked it.
"I don't like it." I finally said, standing up from the couch. "It's too revealing. A wedding dress should be elegant and classy. Not revealing like the ones you've been trying on." I said to her.
She rolled her eyes and walked away from me. The moment she told me she was getting married, Ryan asked me to be the best man. How could I possibly say no in front of her when she was so excited? But how could I also walk her down the isle and give her to the man who doesn't love her? How could I possibly pretend that I never loved her and that it didn't hurt seeing her marry someone else?
I sighed and started walking around the store looking at dresses, when I spotted the perfect dress for her. It was so elegant and it was just her style, although I don't think she would even remember what her style was after she started dating him. I picked it up off the rack and inspected it before sighing again and putting it back where I had found it. She would never try it on no matter what I said at this point. I honestly think she didn't care what I had to say anymore.
"Looking for something?" A consultant asked.
I turned and looked at her, giving her a small smile. "Not really. My best friends getting married and she's looking at dresses."
She gave me an all knowing smile. "Not a fan of the groom, huh?"
"Not really. But I'd never tell her that. She loves him and he asked her to marry him, so I'm just going to stay quite."
"But what if she's making the wrong decision? What about that?"
I chuckled a little and looked over toward her dressing room. "She doesn't care. He's cheated on her more than once and he crawls back every time and begs for another chance and she gives it to him. I don't understand, but I guess love is blind." I mumbled as Ella walked out in a much more revealing dress than before.
"And what about that dress you were looking at?" The consultant asked.
"It'd be perfect for her, but she'd never be willing to try it on. She only cares about what Ryan will think and he wants very little covered." I explained.
She gave me a small smile and touched my shoulder. "You care for her, don't you?"
"More than you could imagine. I've been her best friend since the moment we met in school. But she clearly doesn't notice me like I notice her." I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out, seeing a text from Randal, my teammate.
From: Randal Grichuk
It's half past 3. Did you forget about practice? Mike's not to happy with you right now.
I groaned and texted him back.
To: Randal Grichuk
I forgot about practice today. Ella wanted me to come shopping with her for her wedding dress. I'll be there soon. Tell Mike.
From: Randal Grichuk
Just did. He said hurry up.
To: Randal Grichuk
I'll be there in ten.
I locked my phone and looked over at Ella. She was still inspecting the dress she had on. I walked over to her and stood behind her, to where she could see me in the mirror.
"I've gotta go. I have practice and Mike's not happy with me." I told her.
She turned and looked at me. "How could you?!" She asked me.
I was taken back a bit by her outburst. "Excuse me? How could I what?"
"How could you be so angry toward Ryan?! I'm getting married to him in less than a year!" She shouted.
"You heard me?" I asked.
"How could I not?! What do you have against him?!"
I couldn't believe this. She was angry with me for thinking she doesn't belong with a cheater. "What do I have against him? Everything! He's cheated on you more than you could imagine and you only know about 2! He's cheated on you with at least 20 other women and you just keep letting him come back!" I responded.
"You're lying!"
"Sure I am! But what do you care?! You clearly don't care about our friendship by the fact that you've completely disregard everything I've ever had to say about him! You're just to blind to see what kind o a person he is! And you're clearly to blind to see that I'm in love with you!" I shouted. I didn't even give her a chance to respond before walking out of the shop and heading to the ball diamond.

Ella's P.O.V.-
He just walked out on me. This is the first time he's ever done that to me. I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes as I walked back to my dressing room. I quickly changed back into my clothes and left the store, apologising to the ladies working about our outburst, before rushing home. And the minute I walked into my apartment, Ryan was standing in the kitchen talking on the phone.
"Yeah she just got home. I'll see you there. Yeah. She doesn't care. Oh really? Yeah. I'll see you there. Love you babe." He hung up and looked at me. "I'm going out. I'll be home tomorrow morning." He walked past me and completely ignored the fact that I was crying.
I only nodded my head and watched as he walked out, probably on his way to see some women that he was sleeping with. I walked into our room and quickly started packing my bags. I couldn't believe I didn't see it before.
The moment I was done packing, I had only one bag. And that was all I needed. I took the engagement ring off and put it on the kitchen counter before walking out. I walked to my car and tree my bag in the back before getting and driving off.
Could my day get any worse?

~Four Years Later~
Ella's P.O.V.-
It's been four year since I left without a word to anyone. I was currently living in New York and doing very good for myself. I was a media coordinator for the Yankees and it was amazing. I got to meet Matt Holliday, one of Stephen's old teammates and he's super nice and amazing to hang around. But today was going to be interesting. We were playing the Cardinals tonight.
The minute I walked into the home dugout, I saw Stephen talking to Matt. They were laughing about something, but the minute Matt saw me, he ushered me over. I put a smile on my face as I walked over. Matt even knew about Stephen and I being friends and the whole fiancé thing.
"Hey Matt." I said, going over and hugging him. I turned and looked at Stephen. "Hey Stephen."
His mouth dropped a little and he stood there for a moment looking at me. "This is where you went? I was so worried about you!" He said, pulling me into a hug.
I could feel the tears stinging my eyes as I stood there and hugged him. My best friend was hugging me again. I took a deep breath, getting to smell his scent again. Laundry detergent, cologne, and the smell of the baseball diamond.
"Don't you ever leave like that again. God I was so worried." He said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't even think twice about anything. I just packed and left after I heard Ryan talking on the phone to some women and then he walked out, not even caring about what was wrong with me. And after we had that fight earlier, I freaked and I didn't think you would care what happened to me." I explained all in one breath.
Stephen just looked at me and then sighed. "I care about you so much Ella. You're my whole world outside of baseball and if anything ever happened to you, I would die of heart break. I love you more than anything in the world."
I smiled up at him. "I love you too."
He smiled at me and then crashed his lips to mine, right there on the field in front of everyone. He was right when it came to Ryan and I should have listened to him and my heart, but the moment we fought, I knew he was right and I knew that I loved him more than anything in the world and these last 4 years have been hard on me, but with Stephen here, I knew I would be okay.

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