Back To Dark Eyes

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When I woke up the next morning I looked up at my rafters "What...?" I stuck out one of my hands and saw it my hand. I jumped out of bed and into the bathroom. Tangled mess of curls and green eyes.

"I'M BACK IN MY OWN BODY!" I cheered giving my reflection a high five.

I took a quick showers and let my curls air dry after putting in product. I did my makeup extra well making sure my eyeliner was even and putting on my lipstick expertly. After all today was a day to celebrate. A day in my own body was an amazing day after THAT experience.

I put on a cute little floral print dress and white heels letting my almost dry hair fall down my back. I was going with a 2013 Ariana Grande look. I walked downstairs and kissed all of my siblings on the head, "it's a beautiful day my siblings. Cherish it."

I hugged Mom "Hey mama."

Isabella said "You feeling alright Molly?"

I sat down and tucked into the French toast "Just amazing my darling sister."

Conner and Jake stared at me gape mouthed. Jake said to Conner "Our sister as been replaced by someone else."

Conner added "She is NEVER this nice in the morning."

I smiled and patted their head standing up "Goodbye Darling children."

When I left I heard Isabella ask "Mom how much would sending Molly to an asylum cost?"

Jake "I think she finally was pushed over the edge mom."

Silly children.

I got into bubbles and she took me to school. When I got there I went straight to Jax's locker and there he was. I smiled up at him happily "We're ok."

He nodded "Yes we are." He didn't even look at me.

I asked in concern "Are you ok?"

Jax said "I don't think that's any of your business."

I shook my head looking up at him "Why are you acting like that?" he looks like he did when we first met, all his walls up and completely cold. What happened to him?

Jax slammed his locker shut "I'm sorry you seem to be under the impression I give a fuck about you and we're friends."

I willed the tears that threatened to surface to go away and they obeyed "How could you say that?"

He bend down slightly and got up in my face "We are not talking about yesterday ever. You don't talk to me anymore and vice versa. Can you get that through your thick skull?"

"Jax-" I muttered looking into his dark blue eyes

"No stop talking to me." He walked away and left me in the hallway with a multitude of tears running down my cheeks.

I ran into the bathroom before anyone could see and locked myself into a stall. I won't let anyone see this weakness.

I stayed in the bathroom letting my years clear away. I reapplied my makeup and waited for my face to get less splotchy. My eyeliner wasn't as even but I didn't care anymore. Who cares anyway. I was almost late to homeroom in the process but I'd rather be late than let others see my tears. I won't stand it.

I sat down in my seat and smiled at Emmy who smiled back at me. I smiled back knowing my eyes didn't betray any negative feelings. I became good at that.

Also at the end the end of the day Pheonix and Lindsey had a little fight (dramtic little bitches). Finally Lindsey stormed off dramtically and I grabbed the back of her back pack, the handle on the top, and tries to stop her but in the process I fell but I took one of the securing rops form it and hung on to it while she walked down the hallway.

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