Grow A Vagina

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I was successfully able to keep all of my siblings and friends out of my room for two days but finally Limdsey, Emmy, and Phee burst through.

Lindsey said to the heaping mess that was me "Alright enough of the moping and shit. You need to get up and face the world girly. We gave you two days now we're ready to haul you out of that bad and down the mother fucking ladder. Grow some balls."

Phee said on Lindsey's side "Why do people say that? Balls are so sensitive and shit, grow a vagina those babies can go through hell and come back."

Lindsey agreed "Ok grow a vagina!"

Emmy went to my side and uncovered me giving me a huge hug sitting with me on the bed "The girls been broken up with how could you both be so insensitive."

I sniffled into Emmy's shoulder trying to make them feel bad for me and go away. I really did feel badly for the whole thing. I even turned my phone off and left it on the other side of the room I didn't wanna talk to anyone.

Lindsey said unsympathetically "Well," she lifted a strand of her hair "she took a shower not too long ago so she can't be that bad."

Emmy shook her head at Lindsey "Come on right now she needs our support."

Sweet sweet Emmy bless her heart.

"No she needs to stop being treated like a fragile little thing."

"We need to haul that ass out of to bed and let her get over herself. We gave her a mourning period and now she must-"

Phee clutched her hands to her heart "-Fly like a butterfly!"

Lindsey dead panned "I was gonna say move on and fuck someone as a rebound but that works I guess??"

Emmy was feeling oddly feisty I guess cause she said "You guys are both wrong! She needs to heal!"

"She needs to heal by getting her mind off of him instead of indulging in it!"

"We need to get her back to a normal schedule!"

"No she doesn't she needs love and comfort!"

"Tough love!"





They went on arguing about what they should do for my benefit like I was a child until I finally screamed "ENOUGH!" I think they were about to brawl so I knew I had to step in as entertaining as it was.

When they act like children I feel bad for them as I'm the childish one most of the time. They stopped arguing and stared at me. At some point Emmy left my bed and Phee grabbed a comb like a weapon while Emmy was pointing perfume right at Lindsey's eyes and Lindsey was holding her pocket knife.

I huffed "I'm not a child. I need more than two days to get over it. Maybe a week than I can resume life. See you all on Wednesday..." I paused ""Make that Thursday." I added another day "Ok not Thursday that's a bad idea...Friday." I changed my mind again "Well actually lets just make it Monday. Yeah. See you guys next Monday." I made a final decision "Let's make that next next three weeks. Bye!"

Lindsey huffed suddenly in full savage mode "That's it. Listen here you, laying around and crying like a friggin child isn't going to ease the pain and make him come back. So get your ass up and do something other than crying about some bitch boy you won't even remember ten years down the line. OR go find some other fûcker to date until you get over this one."

Phee and Emmy were staring at her with their eyes and mouths wide open, but Lindsey wasn't finished yet.

"Cause frankly I'm tired of you delusional motherfuckers, this one included," she pointed a finger to Phee ",dating eachother and thinking your in love with eachother. You dated for literally eight months this is how you would act if your fucking mom died. If I see you in this bed wailing over the same cunt one more time, I going to throw you down a flight of stairs. I swear to God."

She still wasn't done.

"Get. The. Fuck. Up. Take. Another. Shower. Eat SOMETHING other than potato chips and coffee ice cream. Just DO something. Anything for God's sake. Just stop your shit screaming. You sound like a fucking kettle boiling, and TRUST ME, Jax isn't going to find a living kettle that smells like his own ass attractive. PLUS he didn't even break up with you, you absolute idiot. So quit assuming everything like every typical spoiled teenage girl ever. Don't even tell me my best friend is the same as every other judgmental ignorant bratty girl ever. He. Did. Not. Break. Up. With. You. So quit assuming shit."

We all stared at her in silence. I can't believe she just said all of that. I needed it but damn she's a straight shooter isn't she?

Lindsey said "Well?"

"I'll see you guys in school tomorrow." I mumbled lightly.

Lindsey nodded "Damn straight."

Emmy mumbled lightly exiting along with Phee "See you later girl."

Lindsey sat on the bed "So yeah."

I shook my head "I'm sorry. Your right I was being too soft about the whole thing. It's stupid anyway he didn't even say we were breaking up."

I was actually only saying this cause I was scared of her and another hard ass speech. So I tried to appease her. In a way though she WAS right this was so so stupid. I shouldn't let him have this kind of power over me. I was supposed to be tough.

I got out of bed and went over to sit next to her at the foot of my bed "So..?"

Lindsey said lightly "So?"

"Oh you are insufferable this is the part where you make conversation." I sighed.

Lindsey laughed "But what if I don't want to?"

I mumbled pointing to the door "Than the door is right there."

She laughed and said "I don't feel like going home yet."

I smiled a bit and laid back down on my bed not answering still feeling awfully about Jax.

Lindsey looked sympathetic and she said softly "I'm sorry Molliara."

I gave her a small smile in response trying to be strong "It's ok. I'll be ok."

Lindsey looked at me, sympathy in her eyes, "Hey don't lose know he's an idiot."

I mumbled barely listening to her "Tomorrow's Thursday. That's when we really started knowing eachother. On Thursday."

Lindsey smiled "Yup that's where it all started."

I closed my eyes imagining the whole thing "The worst day of the week for me suddenly become the most important day....the best day."

Lindsey mumbled quietly, "I know Molly."

We talked a bit more, you know the angsty stuff but Lindsey eventually left leaving me on my own. Leaving me to face my first Thursday without switching with Jax heartbroken.


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