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The cops. The freaking cops.

Yup. Apparently Elana, who was also a live in maid, saw Lindsey leaving Jax's house with her good old fake glock. I told her not to whip that thing around like it was real but she won't listen to me. So Elana called the cops when she saw that thing. Naturally. I understood though imagine if you saw a girl with a gun leave the room of someone you care about? Or maybe she did it for a raise what do I know.

The police officer came in and said pointing the gun at me "Put your hands where I can see them ma'am."

My hands went up immediately and Jax just sat there tied up just like the victim. I mean he coulda said for them to stop or something but like a fucking idiot he just sat there all round eyed and innocent. Greaaaat. Maybe this was payback for getting tied up? Sending us all to jail.

The police officer went over to me putting the gun and another one tried to hand cuff me. I said because duh talking back to cops is the best damn thing to do in a situation like this "This is all a mistake. Plus my ankle is sprained so I need my crutches to move. I'm innocent! Tell em Jax.'

The officer with the handcuffed shrugged and told the other one "If she runs we can tackle her real easy." And the other one said "That's what they all say."

They allowed me to hobble my way into the police car and I did so with dignity. The police officer told me while he escorted me "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you."

I sat in the car squished against Phee and Emmy. "Wheres Lindsey?"

Phee answered sounding embarrassed "She shoved a police into the pool and ran off. They had to call for back up to detain her and get her into the car."

Cause Lindsey won't cooperate with cops.

Emmy just stared out the window crying silently "Aw Emmy..."

She sobbed "I don't wanna go to jail or have a record. My parents are going to kill me. What if I have to do hard time?" She tried to say more but the police officer driving us said "Silence please."

We tried to quietly comfort Emmy the best we could and after some time she began to feel a bit better. At least I think she did when she stopped crying and looked pretty neutral.

When we arrived there we were placed into a holding room. Emmy went out first, than Phee, than me. We didn't see even Lindsey. I hoped she was okay..

When I was taken the took my finger prints first. An old man who was very crabby did it quickly and silently.

I asked him "So how's your night going?"

He gave me a glare which shut me up for a moment.

Than I said as I wiped off my fingers "Tough crowd."

After that I took my mugshot and I smiled.

The lady with the camera said "Please keep your face neutral."

I nodded and than gave an even wider grin.

Old Hag Number One said "I said neutral face young lady."

I nodded again "Alright alright don't have to be snippy about it."

I winked and stuck my tongue out at the camera when she took it.

"If you don't pose the right way this time I will make you and you don't wanna see me do that!"

I decided not to take anymore of a risk with this lady and Her statement sobered me up enough to take the damn mugshot. After I was inserted into a holding cell along with Lindsey and Emmy and Phee. There was also an old man in the corner of it mumbling about birds... Yeah we kind stayed away from him.

we crowded around Lindsey and asked her what happened, and she told us all about it.

She smirked at us "Did you really expect me to just let them take me?"

Emmy gasped "Come on Lindsey you could get in some serious trouble."

Lindsey gave us a mischievous grin and said "So I shoved one of those cops in the pool and ran. Luckily I was a good runner and pretty fast so I was able to make it pretty far." She added proudly "It took three cops to take me down. I even used to the Barry." Barry was her fake glock.

Phoenix smiled "Girl your badass."

Limdsey smiled and winked at all of us "Of course I am."

Oh Lindsey. Lindsey would forever do crazy stuff like this. I really didn't want to imagine her kid. Her daughter or son would be crazy like her. Maybe even more so.

While we were in the holding cell whispering a female police officer came.

"Which one of you are Molly Wilson?"

Lindsey waved "Hey Officer Claire."

She smiled "Lindsey."

I raised my hand "I'm Molly Wilson."

Officer Claire said escorting me somewhere "I really hoped I wouldn't see another Wilson here again young lady."

I said sheepishly "It's a long story."

She opened up the door kindly and said "It always is."

She gave me an oddly warm smile. Than I realised I was in the police chiefs office.

Ive seen the police chief but never actually spoke to him I'd hoped I'd never get the honour. The police chief was a oddly nice looking guy. He was about my dads age, with a black moustache and neatly combed hair. He looked like he could be at a family barbecue.

He folded his hands on the table and asked me "Molly why would you try to kidnap and teenaged boy."

I didnt wanna rat my friends out so I said "I'm sorry."

He shook his head "I really don't want to end up seeing you here all the time like I did to your brother Molly so stay out of trouble alright?"

Matthew was a bit of a rebel. He did everything dangerous or illegal and the more risky it was the more inclined he was to do it. Which makes me wonder sometime just how exactly he got into a good college. The thing about Matthew was he was extremely attractive and charming so he could smile and charm his way out of most anything. That's why his record was almost clean. He never got caught and when he did he talked his way out of it.

DelRosario (that's his name) said "You've been bailed out. You're parents have been notified and you will be picked up accordingly. Please try not to do anything like that again."

I nodded respectfully "Yes sir."

I walked out and back into the holding cell.

We waited anxiously for our parents and finally I walked into the jeep. That's when the yelling started.

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