To Be Dramatic

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Once again I was here in the principal's office. Well actually it was the parking lot...but there parking spot right here was the makeshift principals office. As usual Lindsey accompanied me and we stood there staring at the principal trying to make this as awkward as possible.

The more awkward it is the more inclined he'll be to just let us off the hook.

I said finally in a calm manner "So you called upon us?"

He nodded and said "Molly Wilson. Lindsey Vinburg. Another school prank? I warned you both to stop this madness."

I wouldn't call it madness. Not really. I mean all Lindsey and I did was change all the locks to the school...and fill our school pool with jello...not that they knew that.

Did Principal Delano seriously expect me NOT to pull a senior prank? Pft.

I looked around and I saw all the sutdents milling in the parking lot and around the front steps asking the teachers and staff members what was going on.

Everyone also noticed that the principal was talking to us and not anyone else so they out two and two together and realized it was us.


Good I could use the fame.

The principal said shaking his head "I can't believe you two."

Lindsey said throwing me under the bus completely "It's her fault."

The principal raised his eyebrows and look at me and while I was planning Lindsey's murder Lindsey said "I'm KIDDING. We were 50/50 on this one Prin."

He shook his head and said "I should expel you both."

I drawled "Isn't that a little dramatic?"

The principal said "It's not even the end of the year yet.."

Lindsey chimed in "Well at least now you don't have to worry about our senior prank?"

The principal shook his head "I want you both to swear no more pranks will come from you...or your other friend Phoenix."

I said 'I agree but I can't stop Phee from doing what she wants."

Lindsey said "Same."

"FIne. but If I hear or see another prank from you two there will be serious consequences understand?"

We nodded.

Wow I'm surprised I though he would give us detention or something. We got lucky this time I guess.

"But there must be another punishment in place. Something at least."

Spoke too soon.

He smiled a bit "Lindsey consider yourself the new Frenchy for our spring play."

Lindsey cursed "Shit. I didn't even get the badass one. And she has pink hair."



"And Molly you're Sandy's understudy."

Wow I got off easily. Yessss. I won't even need to do anything or rememorize lines cause Loraine who plays Sandy wouldn't drop out or do anything to stop her from 'being a star'. I was so good on this one. Poor Lindsey though she hates acting.

Principal Delano knew that too most likely.

No idea how but he must of.

Principal Delano said "Now go on and unlock those doors."

I grinned and took the key out nudging some people aside "MOVE PEASANTS I HAVE THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM."

Everyone rolled their eyes and a few yelled to get on with it and with a flourish I unlocked the door.

We all rushed in to get our books and head to homeroom though we were an hour behind.

I think Principal was relieved I didn't do anything worse than locking the doors.

But than he found out about the jello pool.



It was show night and I had front row seats. I was sitting beside Emmy and Phoenix beside Vince.

Why wasn't I was in backstage you ask? Well it turned out that the first night of our play was on Thursday. Why does all the important shit happen on Thursdays.

I think I'm cursed.

Wait nevermind...I AM cursed.

But it was fine cause Jax wasn't going to be doing any actual acting. He was just gonna sit there looking pretty backstage.

We were watching it happily but than something happened. Kathy disappeared and I came out...

What the fuck? Jax stood there in the middle of the scene clueless as I told him...


"Hey don't even worry about that play I won't actually be doing anything." I laughed caressing his hand.

We were back in the pool house and I was resting my head in his lap and inspecting his hand while he looked down at me. Dam even though I could see up his nose he was still so fucking attractive.


He gave me a look "So even though you won't be playing you still don't wanna prepare yourself just a bit Molly? Or order me to memorize the lines?"

I nodded "EXACTLY." I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes.

Alright Molly...whatever you say. Means less work for me anyway."

I smiled "That's the spirit!"


My life is a collection of regrets.

Oh my gosh WHY! Why didn't I tell him that he should've prepared and memorized shit... oh my gosh my reputation is gonna be six feet under after this.

Like Taylor Swift's.

Jax looked around at the characters on stage in complete confusion having no idea what to do.

Our direction Miss Klasie was waving her hands around sitting at the piano on the ground in fornt of the stage.

Jax said "Um...umm...I can't do this."

He ran off stage in embarrassment and than the other characters left the stage too, while the director went to see what was up. After five minutes Kathy came back out and that little 30 second scene was like it never happened but I still felt embarrassed for Jax and myself.

Jax and the principal finally came out and I ran up to him quickly and the principal said "Again Molly...I apologize I didn't think you had stage fright so bad." He clapped Jax;s shoulder and walked back to his seat.

"Hey are you ok?"

Jax nodded "I just freaked out under so much attention. I hate it."

"I know." I murmured looking at him tenderly.

My poor baby I didn't think he'd actually go up there...

We went backto our seats and after that it was fine. Our friends pretended like it never happened which I was happy about cause it was rather embarrassing for Jax and we enjoyed seeing Lindsey act. She was actually quite good.

Lindsey was an awesome actress.

I completely believed she was Frenchy.

After situation though that Jax and I agreed... We needed to find a cure.


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